How Badly?

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Lissy POV


           This was complete and utter bullshit. Zayn and Jacob still stood in my apartment and Liam’s face was still visible on the monitor.

           ‘Hey Li, I gotta go,” I said apologetically.

           “Alright,” he gave Zayn a hard stare. “I’ll talk to you later, love.”

           “By Liam,” I sighed as he signed off.

           “So,” Zayn said awkwardly and I wanted to strangle him. Or kiss him mindless. Shit, don’t think that. That kiss had sent of fireworks, literal fireworks behind my eyes.

           “Oh god, I'm a horrible person.” I said putting my head in my hands.

           “No you’re not,” he said convincingly and Jacob shook his head dramatically.

           “Ha-ha, thanks guys but it’s how I feel right now.” My blonde hair fell into my eyes and I made no move to brush it away.

           “Come on lets go get something to eat, I'm starved!” Zayn announced, holding his stomach.

           “You’re always hungry,” I said rolling my eyes.

           “I'm starrrrrrrving!” Jacob complained, also grabbing his stomach.

           “Ok kid, let’s get some food in your belly,” I said walking over and ruffling his hair.

           “What about my belly?” Zayn complained. I looked over at him and smirked. I slapped his incredibly flat stomach. Ok, ouch. Did not expect that.

           “Damn boy!” I said and he smiled proudly at my comment. Something inside me fluttered as I nursed my throbbing hand.

           “You said a bad word!” Jacob yelled but his voice felt years away. I was locking in Zayn’s eyes.

           “Hey Jake, why don’t you go get washed up and I’ll come get you when were ready to go.” Zayn said not breaking his stare into my eyes.

           “Ok,” Jacob chirped happily and ran out of the room. Zayn closed the distance between us in a quick stride.

           “You have the most amazing eyes,” he said, taking one of my hands and rubbing his thumb in small circles.

           “Don’t you mean ‘amaZayn’?” I said and slapped my other hand over my mouth. Shit did I really just say that? No, I needed to snap out of this, I was Liam’s girlfriend. Liam’s seemingly invisible girlfriend, who he hadn’t taken on a proper date yet. No, Liam was a great guy.

           “Exactly,” he said inching closer. “You are amaZayn, you are mine,” he closed his eyes but didn’t move closer. It was pure torture! I couldn’t take it anymore; his full pink lips were just staring back at me, mocking me. I crushed his mouth to mine. His lips remained still and I broke away.

           ‘How is this any different from what’s going on with Harry and Maggie?’ he asked, opening his eyes and looking at me. Not in a calculating way, just a look.

           ‘Oh god, I hadn’t thought that.” Well duh! This was exactly the same! I was creeping around behind my boyfriend’s back and making out with another guy.

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