#72 Pool Day

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#72 Pool Day

The snacks and drinks were set. Everything was ready.

"Kaylee!" My friends yelled over the fence.

"Be right there!" I walked quickly to the fence. The problem about throwing a party at a community pool is that all my friends don't have a key.

I pushed it open, "Hey guys, come on in."

Familiar faces entered the pool deck along with some new faces. The invite said to bring a friend, so hey-the more, the merrier. They placed their towels down and began chatting amongst themselves. As more and more people came, some decided to tan while others jumped straight into the pool.

I pulled out my phone while I stood by the gait. I had two new messages. One from my friend in my math class and Robbie.

My friend Jenny said, "Hey, I'm almost there. I'm just trying to find a parking spot."

"Awesome, see you soon." I clicked send.

I opened the message from Robbie, "Hey love, wish I could be with you, I hope you are having fun :)"

"Can it be next month already? I haven't seen you in person in like forever."

"Don't worry, seeing each other may be sooner than we expect." He replied.

"I hope-"

"Hey girl!" I looked up to see Jenny approaching the gate.

"Hi-" I saw tons of people following in behind her, I have never seen any of those people behind her. I opened the gate and all the party-goers ran through. I grabbed Jenny and pulled her to the side, "Uh- who are all these people?"

"Oh, just some friends looking for fun." She smiled.

"Jenny, I said bring one friend, not 20-"

"Kaylee relax, these people know how to party."

"Yeah but-" before I could even let out my statement, she was pulled away by her group of friends. I groaned as I looked around at the crowded pool deck. I was going to get so busted for this. I looked to my left to a group of guys huddled suspiciously in the corner.

"Hey," I walked quickly over there to see them pulling beers out of a backpack, "what's going on?"

"We are just trying to have some fun," a guy tossed up a can and caught it, "Want one?"

"No- just uh- drink responsibly please," I scoffed as I walked away. Ugh, I probably sounded like a loser. I heard the group laugh along with the clicking sounds of their cans opening. Great, now I'm really going to get busted.

Once the music started, mostly everyone was hanging out in the pool. I sat on the side, scoping out the crowd of people to make sure no one did anything stupid that might get us kicked out.

Jenny swam to the side of the pool, "Why aren't you coming in the pool?"

"I don't know," I fidgeted with the end of my floral dress that was covering my bathing suit, "I'm just waiting just in case someone needs something or last minute people show up-"

"Okay, but you are missing out on all the fun," She smiled and swam back to a group of boys.

Everyone seemed to be having fun, everyone except me. I'm not very social but I was hoping that the party would help.

"Kaylee!" My friend Andrea made me snap out of my trance.

"Huh?" I looked up.

"My friend is here and they need help getting something out of their car. Do you mind helping us?"

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