#66 Focus

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#66 Focus

"So do you have a test today?" I asked my nephew who is younger than me by a couple of years.

"Yeah, but it seems pretty easy to me." He adjusted his gray and red scarf.

The morning bells went off.

"Well, I will see you after school." I gave him a hug goodbye, "Good luck Henry."

"Thanks!" He said as he rushed to his classroom.

I walked into my Pre-Calc class and sat down in my normal spot. Great, I have to put up with Amy and her crew for this whole period.

The teacher began talking about the lesson when I heard the gossip behind me stop.

"...Yeah I know.... she thinks she perfect because of her parents..... Just because she is related to the Savior doesn't mean anything, I mean come on- Emma hasn't done anything to help this twin at all"

I could feel the anger building up inside of me. I clenched on to my pencil to keep me from exploding right then and there. That's when I felt my hand get very hot, I looked down to see a red glow erupting from my hand, blackening my once yellow pencil. What was happening???

"...What about that other family member?"

"Which one?" Amy's friend whispered.

"The dead one... oh Neal was his name."

"Oh right, that was so stupid this whole town dropped what they were doing just to mourn that pathetic-"

That's when I lost it. I stood up and turned around.

"Shut up!" I slammed my hand down on her table.

"Miss Morgan!" The teacher said sternly.

"Aw did I make someone mad?" Any pouted her lip.

Through a shaky voice I answered, "You have no right to talk about my family. you don't know what they've been through so I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

"Oh that's a problem, because I was just actually about to say how much your parents are both whiny bitches-"

I lunged at her with full force. Everyone in the room began to yell at us to either fight or stop fighting. She pulled on my hair as I kept trying to pin her down. I eventually did and looked her dead in the eyes while me hands were locked on her dainty wrists.

"Take back what you said."

"No! Get off of me!" He squirmed.

"Take. it. back." I could feel heat surging through my body and into my hands. They began to glow once more.

"Ow! You're hurting me" She cried.

I lifted my hands. She was write. She had two degree burn marks where my hands were a couple of seconds ago. I looked at her ,then the horrified faces around me. I had to get out of there. I ran to a janitors closet and pulled out my phone.

"Dad? Come pick me up please." I blinked back tears.


I opened the truck door and plopped into the front seat. I didn't even look at my dad.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked.

"Just drive." I muttered.


"Please Dad." My voice was cracked.

"Okay, okay..." He turned the ignition and began to drive.

OUAT/ROBBIE KAY ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now