#29 The Protected Prisoner

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#29 The Protected Prisoner

It was late at night, I was comfortable in my warm bed. My eyes were squinting from the brightness of my phone. There were two reasons why I didn't want to sleep that night. The first was that because my parents had been arguing for about 4 hours straight now and it was pointless. They topics that they were yelling were just little things that could have been fixed,but apparently not. And the second reason is that I had been having this weird, reoccurring dream, one that I could not control.

In my dream, I would find myself on this beach with the whitest sand I had ever seen. I would climb through the thick terrain to find a deserted camp site. I cautiously walked into a tent filled with many random objects. My eyes were attracted to a jar of this golden, glowing dust. My arms were stretched out to reach it when I heard people coming behind me. I grabbed a handful and shoved it into my pocket. A very young boy, about 6 or 7, would open the door and yell, "She is getting away! And she has the dust!" I would try to leave but there was no way out. A crowd of boys covered in dirt would come in and charge at me.

But that's when I would wake up everytime. I have no idea what that dream is supposed to mean. I never found out what happens after I wake up.

So yeah, I don't want to dream that again. It is a very stressful and scary dream. Why can't I have a normal teenager dream where I find true happiness and my life is perfect?

I was scrolling through twitter when I felt a cold breeze come across the room. I looked to my right and saw that my two doors to my small balcony were opened. That's strange... I swore I locked them before getting into bed.

The breeze picked up even more and there was a sound coming from outside.

I stood in front of the doorway, looking out into the dark sky.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"

No response was made.

I stepped out all the way, my bare feet on the cold cement. I wrapped my arms around me. It's too cold to be wearing a tank top out here.

I looked over the railing and heard a thud behind me. I turned quickly, my doors were shut. I turned the handle but it was locked. Great...

The breeze grew from a small gust of wind to a huge wind storm. I was pounding on the door, hoping my parents downstairs could hear it. It was useless, the wind was too loud.

"Maggie..." I heard a voice whisper behind me in my ear. I was frightened, but I slowly turned my head. I came face to face with a black figure who had glowing yellow eyes. My green eyes reflected off his.

He placed his hand on my head and everything went dark.


I woke up realizing that I wasn't in the comfort of my own home. I sat up quickly and hit the top of my head on the top of a..... cage? Where am I?

I looked to the side and saw some boys walking beneath me.

"Hey! Get me down from here!" I yelled.

"I only take orders from Pan." snarled a 15 year old.

"Oh really? So I guess you won't take orders from my lawyer or the cops? Just wait until I call, you will be charged with kidna-"

"Shut up girl, there is no one here to save you." said a red head who was like 8. Am I seriously being sassed by children right now?

An older blonde boy walked quickly to the other boys. He kept his voice low but I could still hear him.

"Pan says to bring her to the camp, but keep her secured." He crossed his arms and stood back. Prisoner? Who does this guy thinks he is?

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