#48 Permanent Prisoner

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#48 Permanent Prisoner

Warning: The following imagine you are about to read will be a little different. Yes, it is still Peter Pan, but he is going to be evil the whole time. No romance, I know, weird. Haha Enjoy!

I tucked my long hair up into my baseball cap. Ok... I'm ready.

"I believe." I prepared myself by my window. They flew open sending me backwards. The shadow figure soared into my room. It spotted me and grabbed my hands. While flying over the city, I was preparing myself for anthing I may need to put myself up against. A giant flas of white light blinded my eyes and I somehow ended up in some sand. Woah.... When did I get here? I stood up, looking at the dark island. Well, here goes nothing.

I was walking through the thick vegetation when I stepped on something awkwardly shaped. I looked down and it was a rope. Oh god, I'm standing right on a trap. I tried to jump and run as fast as I could, but I was not fast enough. The trap entangled me into a hanging net. I tried to get out, but it was pointless. In a matter of seconds, I heard a rope being cut and once again I ended up on the floor.

"Felix, grab him." I heard a voice.

I was hoisted up onto my feet, someone was holding my hands behind my back.

A boy in all green was holding up a piece of paper next to my face. This must be the leader of Neverland, Peter Pan.

"No, it's not him." He looked angry, "Looks like we have a new Lost Boy Felix."

"Great." He said in a low tone.

"Let's go back to the fire. Follow boy." They ordered. Wow, they didn't notice I was a girl. My disguise was working!

"Boys!" Pan ordered, "Listen up! We have a new member to our family. What might your name be.

Of course I wasn't going to tell him my name was Kassi.

"I go by K." I tried to say in a non-girly voice.

"Well K, we are going to see if you are worthy enough to be a lost boy. Catch" Pan threw a spear at me. i caught it carefully.

"You are going to fight Felix. Your objective is to pin him on the ground." He crossed his arms and stood back.


Felix and I began to circle each other. He swung his club toward me, but I quickly dodged it. I went at him with my spear, trying to push him back. I thought I was going to be able to beat him but he brought his foot around, sweeping me out from under my feet. I fell backwards which caused my hat to fall off. All the boys gasped. Felix looked shocked and got off of me quickly.

"You are a girl?" Pan looked very angry.

"Yes," I took off my disguise which was basically just a giant jacket.

"There are no girls allowed on Neverland-"

"Listen Pan, I don't care about your silly rules. I don't have to listen to you." Wow, I shouldn't have said that.

He stuck out his hands, sending me flying back to hit a tree. He magically appeared in front of me and pinned my up against the tree.

"Why are you here stupid girl?" Anger flashed in his eyes. He was slowly applying my pressure onto my throat.

"You took my boyfriend... Austin... I know h-he's here." I began to struggle. "W-where.... is... he?"

I could barely make out that questions. I needed to breathe! Pan backed off as I fell to the ground gasping.

"You really think he is here?" He did a suspicious laugh, "Lass, he couldn't pass the tests I gave him. So since I didn't need him, I got rid of him."

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