#34 Prom Hero

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#34 Prom Hero

The boys whooped and hollered around the raging fire. I was sitting next to my friends Felix and Pan. Felix and I clapped along to the music coming from Pan's pipes. The lost boys did this crazy dance where you jump around the fire and hit two sticks together to the beat of the song.

I was watching the lost boys and a little boy named Joey aught my attention. He looked a little bit like my foster brother. He had these big brown eyes and the little kid bowl cut.

I was pacing back and forth in my room. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said while looking out the window at the new car in the driveway.

"They are ready for you." said the lady.

"Ok, can I have a few minutes?" I sighed.

"Take your time honey."

When I heard her walk away, I walked around my room, taking in all the old memories. I looked over in the corner where Joey's messy bed was. He doesn't know that I am leaving. I have been through so much with him and I think it would break his heart that I am going to a new home without him.

I grabbed my suitcase and headed down stairs. A middle aged woman and man stood there with big smiles.
I put on a fake smile as I stopped in front of them.

"Hi!" Said the very perky woman, "My name is Debby and this is John."

"Hi," I shook their hands, "I'm Mary."

"Well Mary, we signed the papers are already signed, so do you want to head out?"

"Um, yeah." Of course I didn't want to leave though.

We reached their car and John opened it the door for me.

"Thanks." I sunk down on to the back seat.

He shut the door, joining his wife in the front seat.

"Well here we go." He pulled out of the driveway. I turned around in my seat and watched the house start to grow distant when I saw Joey run out into the street behind us. The look on his face almost broke my heart.

"Wait, stop the car." I tapped his shoulder. he did and I ran out of the car.

"Where are you going?" yelled Debby.

I ignored her as I ran to sad and confused little Joey. I immediately hugged him.

"Where are you going?" He sobbed into me.

"I'm sorry Joey..." I cried. "I should have told you..."

"Don't leave me..." He sniffled.

"I'm sorry Mary, but we are blocking traffic." Debby pulled us apart. A worker walked with Joey.

"I will see you again!" I sobbed out to Joey. He kept looking back at me with despair laced in his eyes as we drive further and further away.

"Mary?" I heard Felix say.

"What?" I snapped out of my trance.

"Are you alright?" asked Peter.

"Um yeah, I'm fine." I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my head, "Can you excuse me for a moment?"

He nodded with concern. I ran to the beach, and once I reached the sand, I collapsed. Every memory with my little Joey came back to me. I miss him so much. I should have fought back and stayed with him.

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