#4 Pan and Ariel

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Imagine #4
-Pan and Ariel

(Before you start reading, lets act like Eric has never existed... Ok thanks :P)

"What is that?" I gasped.

Flounder looked at me and shrugged.

"What ever it is, it looks scary." He swam behind me.

"Oh don't be such a guppy." I started to swim up toward the giant shadow on the surface of the sea.

"ARIEL! What are you doing?" I hear behind me.

"Sebastian..." I moan.

"You heard your father's orders. You can't go up there. The human world-"

"I know it's a mess..." I mumbled.

I heard my father calling for Sebastian.

"Ariel, please just don't go up there." He took off swimming back toward my boring kingdom.

When he was out of sight, I glanced back up at the boat. I'm going to do, I'm strong enough, I won't get caught. I know what I'm doing.

I told Flounder if he wants to come, he can't back out. He agreed and followed me.

I poked my head above the surface, my red hair sticking to my face. I looked up a saw a huge, umm what's it called, oh yeah! A ship!

I stayed in the darkness of the water and stayed close to the side of the boat. I then pulled myself up onto the side where I could see a little of what was going on. There were many boys, about my age on the ship. They all looked very frightened.

Near my opening was a blonde boy with a big scar transcending down his face talking to a boy with brilliant green eyes with big, but cute ears.

"I don't understand Felix, why do they need boys to fight in this war? We are not physically and mentally ready to be here."

"What I don't understand is why are you stillhere? Why don't you use your magic to get off of this boat and escape somewhere else?" said the blonde boy.

"I just developed these powers, I don't have a lot of control over them. I don't want to accidentally appear in the middle of the sea, or a battle field..." Said the boy with the beautiful British accent.

The water near my moved a little and Sebastian appeared.

"Ariel," he said out of breath, "Your father is looking for you...and he is angry."

The waves started to pick up. the were slowly getting more violent. This happens all the time when my father is in a rage, but it has never been this bad.

"Peter! Felix! Get off your asses and help keep the ship steady!" yelled the captain.

The boy, named Peter, ran to help hoist the sail. The ship was rocking violently when a pulley system swung around and hit Peter in the back of the head. He stumbled back and fell into the engulfing waves.

"Man overboard!" someone yelled.

Lighting struck the sails and created a fire. Many boys were jumping off, but all I could think about was saving Peter.

I dove under, searching the dark waters. I see a limp body slowly sinking to the bottom. I swam toward him and wrapped my arms around his middle. I swish my tail as fast as I can, reaching the surface. I dragged his body as far my body would allow. I recognized where we were. It was an island where some of my cousins lived. What is it called? I believe it's Neverland.

Scuttle flew down next to him.

"Was I too late?" I asked, leaning against Peter.

Scuttle pressed his face against his foot.

OUAT/ROBBIE KAY ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now