#7 The Story Games -pt 1

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Imagine #7
-The Story Games (Part 1)

(This is for my hunger game fans! :P sorry if you don't like hunger games, just skip over it. Haha)

I was out hunting for tonight's meal. I pull my arrow back, aiming at a wild pig.

"Aim more to the left." whispers a voice in my ear.

I jump and release my arrow, which hits a tree.

"Felix! Don't sneak up on me!"

"Wendy, look." he points.

Another wild pig! He throws a rock frightening it and I release my arrow, straight into it.

"Yes!" I say.

We run over to it, direct hit.

"Nice," he says.

"Thanks." I blush.

We both sit on the ground and lean against a log.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I ask.

Tomorrow is the day of the reading. Every year, two boys from each land get picked to fight in an area for the higher class citizens to watch for their own pleasure. Stupid, right?

"I think so, I just want to think about it."

"I know, I can't even imagine what I would do if you got called, or even if my two brothers got called. John would maybe last awhile, but poor little Michael would never make it." It's hard to think about.

"There are quite a lot of boys here, don't worry about it."

"I hate this world we live in..." I mutter.

"Wendy, why don't we run away, escape now to a world that doesn't participate in the Story games."

"Yeah ok sure," I say sarcastically, "let me know when you find a magic bean."

"I will, an we will take your brothers and get out of here."

"That would be nice." I smile and tuck a loose curl behind my ear.

Felix pulls out a piece of chocolate and breaks it in half.

"Woah, how did you get this?!?" I ask.

"I stole it from Pan. Shhh." he covered his lips.

I nod and take a half. He knows how to make a girl happy.

"Happy story games!" I mock Zelena's voice.

"And may the chapters be ever in your favor." He clinks our chocolates together.


At the reading, the boys of Neverland meet on the beach where members of the head group of the Enchanted forest are getting ready to broadcast live. Male fairies, mermen, young pirates, and lost boys stand there nervously. I see little Michael clinging onto John's leg.

The rest of us girls, including mermaids and fairies, gather behind them to view which loved ones will be leaving.

Felix turns around and looks at me. He gives me a small smile, knowing that I'm anxious about the possibility of either him or one of my brothers being chosen.

Zelena, wearing some sort of hideous green outfit walks onto the stage.

"Happy Story games and may the chapters be we in your favor."

No one claps, I roll my eyes.

She introduces the games and blah, blah, blah... we all know.

"Now, the first tribute." She reaches into a jar and pulls out a small white paper. She opens it and looks up.

"Michael Darling..."

It was dead silent. Everyone stepped away from him. His knees started to shake and he hid behind John. Two knights came over and pulled them apart. Michael was screaming and John was starting to cry. I couldn't take this.

I pushed passed the crowds of girls.

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" I scream. Two nights grab me by the arms as I thrash around.

Whispers scatter throughout the crowds. An executive pulls Zelena aside and whispers into her ear. She nods and returns to the microphone.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, our first ever volunteer and female tribute!" She is the only person clapping.

"No!!!" yells John and Michael.

I walk up onto the stage.

"What is your name dear?"

"Wendy Darling." I say monotoned, looking straight ahead, hiding my fear.

"Ooo! I bet my broom that was your brother."

I look at Felix and he looks heart broken. I nod at him to show him that everything is ok, when it really isn't.

"Our next tribute is... Peter Pan."

Oh god, not Peter. We barely talk and I know that he hates me. He can destroy me in an instant.

He comes up on the stage, looking strong and powerful.

"Now, shake hands." Orders Zelena.

Peter turns to me and puts his hand out firmly. I put my hand in his.

"Our tributes for this year's Story Games!" She cheers.

I look out and see everyone's sad faces, making my lip start to quiver. Felix puts up 3 fingers, which triggers everyone else to. In Neverland, this is an old sign of respect. Each finger symbolizes something else.

1. Faith
3.Pixie dust

The knights escort us over to a big, high tech ship that is a little further down the beach.

We get on. Peter and I are separated into different rooms. I sit in a chair, nervously waiting for my fate.

There is a knock on the door when John and Michael enter. The run straight into my arms. We all start to cry, but then I stop.

"Boys, we need to be strong. John, you need to be here all the time now for Michael. I can't take care of you guys anymore. You must be brave for me. I promise you, I will win this for the both of you."

"We brought you something." says Michael.

He places a gold pin of Big Ben into my hands.

"This will keep you safe." he says trying not to cry.

The knights come back in and start pulling the boys away.

"Wait, I'm not done yet!" I yell, "I love you guys!" The door slams shut.

The door opens again a minute later and it's Felix.

I run to give him a hug, burying my face into his neck.

"Wendy, the first thing you have to do when you get there is find a bow. You are strongest with a bow. And make allies right away. You-"

"Felix, please promise me that you won't let anything happen to my brothers. Watch over them, for me." I grab his hands intensely.

"I will, I promise."

"Times up." says the knight.

"No," I sob.

They pull him back, he fights against them trying to get to me.

"Wendy, I-"

The door slammed shut. I fall to my knees sobbing. Oh how am I ever going to win these games?!?

(A/N: Hello! I don't know if you realized but this is part one. This was just an idea. If you want me to write what happens next, comment below and I will write other imagines that are a continuation to this one! let me know what you think!)

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