#6 I Will Never be a Pirate

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Imagine #6
-I Will Never be a Pirate

My eyes shoot open as I hear someone pounding against the door of my corridor.

"What is it?" I groan slowly getting out of my bed.

"Princess Kathryn! Princess!" screeches my maid.

"Coming..." I say while tying my white laced robe around my burgundy nightgown.

"Pirates! mmm-mmm!" she muffles.

Pirates? Pirates would never get past the royal guards. She must be going insane.

I open the door and I am greeted by a pirate with his gun up to her head.

"Hello princess," says a man with a striped shirt.

"Let her go, or else I will go get the king and have you punished."

He laughs. "You really think your father is still alive?"

I look past him to see two more pirates dragging a body out of the room, my father!

"You bastard!" I fall to my knees and begin to sob.

"Well princess, are you coming with us," he cocked the gun, "or not?"

My maid bites his hand. "Don't do it princess, you must protect your kingdom!"

"Well you heard the lady." he says applying more pressure on the trigger. She closes her eyes. A single tear falls down her cheek.

"Wait! I will go with you! Just promise me that you will not hurt another person."

"Ok boys we got what we need." he orders, pushing down my maid. the other pirates leave the room. He ties my hands and orders me to walk with his sword resting in the middle of my back. I pass my little sister's room.

"Where are you going? Who is that?" She asks while tugging at my dress.

"I will be gone shortly. This is my friend...and we are playing a- a game," I choked back my tears, "Now, run along to bed."

She did as I said and goes back into her room.

We board the ship and the pirate pushes me down onto the deck.

"Ah! Looks like the princess has joined us." Laughs a voice. Hook... He used to work for my father until he failed at bringing back a plant he needed, so my father banned him from our country, making him turn to being a pirate.

"This is not the proper respect that a princess should be receiving Killian." I hiss, getting to my knees.

"Oh, my lady, you are not a princess anymore. No, no. Now you are one of us." He puts his hook under my chin, pulling me up to my feet.

"I will never become one of you... I will never be a pirate. "

"Aww, poor princess Kathryn thinks she has a choice. Well your highness, you have one duty and that is to be every man's need here." He breath filled my nose with the smell of rum. His lips are too close to mine for comfort.

He pushes me into a crowd of the pirates. They all grab at me like I'm some wild animal.

"Help!" I scream.

All the pirates at once fall to the ground, including Hook.

I fall to my knees sobbing after the traumatic experience I just went through. I don't care about what just happened, I'm just scared for my saftey.

"Are you ok, love?" I hear behind me.

"No..." I cry.

He comes nearer to me with a dagger and I flinch.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He slices the ropes binding my hands.

"Thank you...." I say with barely any breath.

"Come on, let's get you out of here."

I nod with a loss of words.

The boy picks me up and shoots up into the air. I cling onto him out of complete fright. He looks down at me and gives me a warm smile with his glowing green, emerald eyes. This instantaneously calms me down. For some reason, I trust this boy.

We land on some white sand on a small island.

"Here we go," he sets me down but still holding onto me, "Now, what is your name?"

"Kathryn, well, Princess Kathryn." I blush. He quickly steps back and straightens up.

"Pardon me your highness," he bows, "I haven't properly introduced myself."

"Yes, I would like to know the name of my rescuer." I curtsey.

"I'm Peter Pan, and welcome to your new kingdom, Neverland."

"Who are the rulers?" I giggle.

He grabs my hand.

"I am the king and you shall be my lovely queen."

This is for:

Hope you like it!

Hey I need feedback! tell me advice about my imagines. Is the length good? do I need to be more descriptive?


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