#64 Running into Love

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#64 Running into Love

The best time to run is always at sunrise. It's so calm and peaceful on the beach, with the calm waves. It's always beautiful to see the sky wake up.

I was running on the white sand while the cold air nipped at my nose.

"Lulu!" Shouted a voice, "Wait up!"

It was Felix. I slowed my run so that he could catch up with me.

"Want to join me?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

Felix has always been a competitive person and I saw him speed up in front of me.

"Oh no you don't." I smiled and caught up to his pace.

I bumped into his side so that he stumbled a little to the right.

He bumped me back a little harder. I laughed and pushed him.

"Oh you want to go there?" He grinned.

"What psh no-"

He pushed me at a decent force so I decided to play a little game. I fell onto the ground.

"Ahhh!" I screamed in pain.

"What's wrong? What did I do?" He asked dropping down to my side.

"My ankle... I- I think I broke it." I winced.

"Oh my god Lu, I'm so-"

I jumped on him and pinned down his arms.

"Made ya think." I winked looking down at him.

"You are going to regret that." An evil smile grew upon his lips.

"Oh no." I scrambled up to my feet and began to run as fast as I could.

"Come back here!" He yelled.

"Never!" I laughed and headed straight no. I thought he was way behind me but I was wrong. He swept my legs out from under me in a bridal-styled hold. He was carrying me toward the ocean.

"Don't you dare..." I started kicked in his arms.

"You asked for it." He smiled.

"No! Felix! I'm sorry," The water was getting closer, "Please, I'm only a child"

"You are seventeen..." He chuckled quietly.

"You don't have to-" It was too late. He threw me into the water. I stood up wiping the hair clinging to face.

He was cracking up. He won't be for long.

"Ha- ha... Very funny.... Now, come give me a hug."

"Nope" He started to back up slowly.

"C'mon you, you know you want to..." I crept toward him.


I charged at him and jump on him like a koala.

"Gotcha!" I laughed. He grabbed onto me and spun me around.

He towered over me as he put me down. I adjusted his hood on his head because I messed it up.

"There." I smiled as I smoothed down the sides. He had a small grin on his lips.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He chuckled.

"Noooo.... tell me." I whined.

"I will tell you later."

"Fine..." I pouted. I had an idea, "I have something to tell you to Felix, and it's very important."

"What is it?" His eyes lit up with interest.

"Well you see I- What's over there?!?" I pointed.

He turned his head. Time to run. I was practically flying through the trees. He totally fell for it was a loser-

I ran into someone an stumbled back.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I looked up to see Pan who caught before I fell.

"Who were you running from?" He asked.

"Oh just Felix, he-"

"Did he hurt you?" Pan stood up taller.

"What? No, of course not." I said firmly.

"Why are you wet?" He asked tucking my hair behind my ear. I pulled my head slightly away.

"He pushed me into the ocean, funny story I-"

"He pushed you? He should not be laying a single hand on you-" He began to walk forward.

"Woah-woah," I put my hand on his shoulder, "Everything is fine Pan."

He looked at my hand then into my eyes. He stepped even closer to me.

"Pan, what are you-"

His lips were on mine before I could even comprehend what was going on. I have never been kissed before and I have that heard that you are supposed to feel this spark of electricity... but I didn't feel anything.

Pan pulled back and looked at me, "You didn't kiss me back."

"I- I um"

"You like him, don't you?" He said, his expression dropping.

I nodded.

"Go get him." He said with a small, fake smile.

I turned to run back, but then I stopped. I ran back up to Pan and kissed quickly on the cheek, "Thanks."

"Now go." He said.

I back to the beach and saw Felix walking in the direction of the camp. I ran up behind him and when I was a couple feet behind him I shouted, "Felix!"

"What?" He turned-

I cupped his face and pulled his lips to mine. He immediately straightened up; he placed his hands on my waist.

I felt it this time...I felt the sparks.

He pulled back and had a huge smile on his face. I have never seen him this happy.

"I- I was going to tell you how I feel about you, but-"

"I beat you too it." I smiled.

"You did Lulu, you really did." He pulled me closer and held me in his arms.

This is for lupita1432 :)

I feel like I'm apologizing a lot but I need to. It's been crazy because it's the end of the semester but after Thursday I plan on writing a lot more than I have recently. So remember to check out my other story "It's not an Existential Crisis" :)

Also I was just wondering, how many of you would be willing to read a Troyler fic? (Tyler Oakley and Troye) my friend is thinking about writing one and she thinks no one will read it

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