#13 Daggers in my Heart

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#13 Daggers in my Heart

I went off on my own, just to relieve some stress. Sometimes, Pan can be sooo annoying. He frustrates me so much with his harsh treatment to the lost boys. But yet, in some moments, I always get the butterflies around him. It's like my opinions are bipolar toward him.

I set down my satchel and pulled out 3 small daggers that I made. I aimed at a small indentation on a tree and threw it.

Bull's eye...

I thought of his face and threw the knife far into the tree.

"Well that wasn't very nice...." I hear a voice behind me.

"What wasn't?" I asked without turning.

"Imagining I was the tree..." said Pan.

Crap, I forgot he could read minds.

"Look Pan," I said while gathering my knives, " I really just want to be alo-"

"Why do you hate me so much?" he asked.

I pulled a knife out of a tree.

"Pan, I don't necessarily hate you."

I turned and he appeared right in front me, putting his hand above the tree, which pressed me up against the tree. He leaned in and placed his forehead against mine.

"Just tell me the truth love..." I feel his hot breath against my lips.

I shuddered and looked up into his eyes.

"I uh, I-"

He closed his eyes as if he were going to kiss me. Boy, did I really want to let him, but my stupid self snapped out of his trance.

"You, -You can just be so excruciatingly-," I brushed past him, "sometimes you get on my nerves! You are conceded and selfish and-"

"I get it." He looked hurt. He turned and began walking away.

"Wait, Peter, I'm sorry. What I said wasn't true..."

He turned and smiled.

"I know it wasn't."

"God damn, stop reading my mind." I point my dagger at him.

"I didn't this time." He smirked and crossed his arms.

"Then how did you know?"

"You called me Peter, no one ever calls me that. Kait, you know that I have feelings for you, so can you give us a chance?"

He walked by me and grabbed both of my hands.

"Kait, will you please give me the honor of allowing me to be your boyfriend?"

I took a moment to think of it. I let go of his hand, grabbed my knife, and went over to a tree.

I carved "P+K" in a heart.

"Does that answer your question?" I smile.

He came over and gave me a hug. I slowly moved us back by a tree so that he was leaning against and I was leaning against him.

He cupped my face and leaned in. His lips brused mine but before it got too heated, I pulled back.

"Gotta catch me first." I whispered in his ear,

'What?" he looked at me weird.

I took his shirt and attached it to the tree with my knife.

I laughed and ran as fast as I could.

I heard him coming and laughing behind me.

I turned to look and he wasn't there. He appeared behind me, causing my to run into his chest.

"Got you love" He smiled.

This is for roleplayer2000 :)

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