# 17 I Do

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#17 I Do

"Listen, lass, I don't want to cause any trouble." said, putting his hands up. Well one hand, one hook.

"Wait, you came all the way here to Neverland just to talk to me?" I cross my arms like Peter.

"Aye." He said, and just to prove his point, he dropped his sword on the floor.

"Ok," I backed up and leaned against a tree. "Talk."

"Look, I know you are happy here but your father ordered me here to inform you about Pan."

"Oh, so my father is too much of a coward to talk to me himself? Such a brave king he is." I scoffed.

"Your highness please-"

"Don't call me that. Can't you see that I'm trying to forget who I used to be?"

"Nattie, just listen. Pan is an evil monster. He is just using you to mess with your father. He does this to a lot of rich parents just to receive riches from them." He walked toward me.

"I doubt that."

"Has he ever mentioned his last victim?"

"If you are talking about Dylan, then yes, but-"

"No it was a lass. What's her name... um..."

"Her?" I say to myself.

"Yes, oh! I remember! Her name was Wendy. Did he ever mention her? I recall that she thought Pan was madly in love with her, but then one day, he snapped on her. She was broken hearted."

"You are lying. He would have mentioned her-"

"If you don't believe me, then why don't you go ask him?"

He seemed pretty confident, which scared me.

"Fine," I say getting up, "if this Wendy girl is real, then I will go back to my kingdom with you."

"I will be here."

I turned and walked away.

"See you soon." He evilly grinned.

I gulped and kept walking. Peter would tell me about Wendy if she was real. Peter told me he loves me, he wouldn't lie about that.

I saw Peter talking with Felix near the fire.

"Can I talk to you?" I said interrupting their conversation.

"Can it wait, love? We are talking about a very important-"

"No, I need to talk to you right now." I said.

He looked a me confused and excused himself from Felix. Felix then walked away.

"Nattie-bear, what's wrong?"

"Not here..." I pulled him into the trees.

"Ok you are acting very strange-"

"Who is Wendy?" I came out and said it.

"What?" He wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Did I stutter Peter? Who is Wendy?" I crossed my arms.

"Look, she is a girl from my past. She was ere on the island with her brothers and-"

"Did you have feelings for her?"


"Peter, I can tell that you are lying!"

"Ok fine! I loved her! Is that what you wanted to hear?!?" He yelled.

It felt like my heart snapped in half. I could feel tears building up in my eyes.

"What happened to her?" I voice was shaky.

OUAT/ROBBIE KAY ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin