#28 Vacation

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#28 Vacation

I walked out of my tent after taking a dip in a nearby stream. Peter was supposed to meet me by the fire, but he never showed up. A lost boy passed me.

"Hey Natalie." He smiled and kept walking.

"Hey! Wait!" I called and caught up to him, "Have you seen Peter?"

"Uh yeah, he was here like ten minutes ago but I saw him in an arguement with his shadow. He got angry and then just kinda disappeared..."

"Oh ok, thanks for telling me. I think I know where he is." I patted his back.

I saw Peter sitting on a ledge, with his legs hanging off the side. I think he was getting annoyed of his shadow telling him orders. I just smiled and sat next to him.

"Hey babe," I rubbed his back.

"Oh, hey," he looked up and that back at the ocean.

"Came here to think, huh?"

"Yeah I guess," He seemed frazzled, "I don't know, everything is just overwhelming at the moment."

"Well to take your mind off that, how about you and I go on a little vacation?" I flashed my dorky smile.

"Natalie, I love you, but you are crazy." He chuckled.

"What? No! C'mon it will be fun. You can meet my friends! I met yours-"

"The lost boys don't count as my friends." He said with a straight face.

"Felix is your friend! Don't deny the bromance." I playfully punched his arm.

"Ah bloddy hell." He rolled his eyes. "Alright fine. Two things: One, don't ever say bromance again..." He smirked.

"Ok I promise," I laughed, "And...?"

"Just because I love you and can't say no, I will go on a short vaction with you."

"Seriously? Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!" I got up and started to walk away.

"Wait, where are you going?" He stood and crossed his arms.

"To pack of course."

"Oh, we are leaving Neverland today? Says who?" He raised an eyebrow.

I jogged back to him and kissed his cheek.

"Me." I whispered.


Peter entered the tent.

"Are you ready, love?" He asked.

I grabbed my suitcase.

"Yep, where is your stuff?"

"I don't need anything, I have magic." He wiggled his fingers around.

"You are a dork." I chuckled.

"You know I could have just 'poofed' your stuff up, right?"

"Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well that's not fun." He smirked.

"Well, I'm ready." I smiled.

"Let's go." He sprinkled pixie dust over my blonde hair. I grabbed his hand and we shot up into the clouds. I'm still a little rusty with flying, but I am getting better. I looked up at Peter whose hair is waving around face. He looked so cute, heck, when doesn't he look cute?

"So where are we going?" He smiled.

"I will lead." I flew ahead of him.

We eventually landed in front of my house.

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