#54 The Perfect Day

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#54 The Perfect Day

I stretched my arms and yawned. I turned to my side to face Peter, but he wasn't there. I looked around the room and realized tons of balloons were on the floor and up on the ceiling. A huge smile crept upon my face. He remembered my birthday! I tied my lilac robe around my white, short nightgown. I walked outside and smelled the most glorious smell in the world.


I opened the tent door of our "kitchen" . Peter was flipping some pancakes with such a focused face. I chuckled a little too loudly that he heard me and turned.

"Well good morning my Neverland Princess." He came over to me a placed a small kiss on the top of my head while his warm arms wrapped around me.

"Pancakes, huh?" I smiled up at him.

"Yep, I must make the birthday girl's favorite breakfast." He smiled and went back to flipping.

I gave him a hug from behind, resting my head on his back.

"Peter, you don't have to do this." I said into him. He smelled good.

"Oh Angelica, this is just the beginning."

"What?" I hopped up on to the counter.

"I have a whole day planned out just for you." He put the fire out and flipped the last pancake into the finished stack.

He walked up against me so that he was in between my legs.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I put my arms around his neck.

"I should be asking the same thing." He smirked.

"So what's first my love?" I asked.

"This." He leaned in and placed a passionate kiss upon my lips. He picked me up, never breaking our kiss and placed down at the table. We pulled back out of breath

"Great first gift." I chuckled.

He winked and grabbed the plate of pancakes.

He placed in front of me, two pancakes, fresh coconut milk, and some slices of dreamer's fruit (a special fruit a lost boy discovered awhile ago near mermaid lagoon).

"This is so nice Peter, really, thank you." I said as I bit into the fluffy warm pancake.

"So would you like to hear the agenda for today?" He popped some fruit in his mouth.

"Of course!"

"Well, the other day when I was gone for so long, I went back to your original world and got some sort of magical device that has this feature... what is it called-"

"Please don't say you got us Netflix!!!" I squealed with excitement.

"That's what it's called! Is that alright?"

"Peter that's great! I'm so excited. I will get to show you your first television show ever!" I exclaimed.

"I'm still confused about how it works..." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You will see." I laughed.

We finished our wonderful meal and headed back to our tent. All the balloons were cleared and a HUGE flat screen that was loading up. I guess the newer lost boys set it up for him.

The bed had tons of new fluffy pillows and fuzzy blankets. Oh my gosh, this is the best birthday ever!

I ran and did a body slam right into the layers of softness. Peter just laughed at me.

"Come join me!" I held my arms out like a little kid. He wiggles his eyes, which he knows makes me go crazy on the inside, and he gracefully sat down next to me. We leaned back against the pillows and he got his arm under me. I rested my head into his chest.

"Okay, so let me see this magic box work." He rubbed circles on my arms.

"Ok, you click the Netflix button on this rectangle. It's called a remote." I smiled.

"So far that's easy."

The Netflix screen popped up and the titles began loading.

"So now we are going to watch something called a TV show. My favorite is this show called 'How I Met Your Mother'. It has comedic characters in it and I think you will like it." I smiled up at him.

"Anything you like, I like." He kissed the top of my head.

My began watching an I think he liked it. He laughed a lot, an he usually doesn't laugh at many things.

"Your laugh is adorable." I poked his belly.

"You are adorable." He poked me back.

I started tickling him and then he attacked me with even more tickles. He straddled me and tickled me till I couldn't breath.

"Stop! It hurts!" I squealed of laughter.

"Okay fine." He finally gave it. He let me catch my breath and then gave gave a simple but meaningful kiss. He got off of me and we returned back to our cuddling positions.

We then watched many different movies. We watched a drama, then a horror, then a comedy. Peter loved all of them, especially the horror movie. I was practically hiding in shirt the whole time.

By the end of the comedic movie, I let out a huge yawn.

"Are you tired love?" He gave me tons of little kisses around my face.

"Yes, do you mind if we go to bed?"I asked sweetly.

"Of course we can," We flattened the pillows and got under the covers. We turned toward each other so that our noses were practically touching.

"Did you have fun today?" He asked.

"Of course, you gave me such a memorable day and for that I love you so much." I kissed his nose.

"I love you too." He kissed my nose. I love our nightly routine.

I then turned and let him snake his hand around my waist, pulling me back into his warm arms.

"Happy birthday." He yawned as he fell asleep.

"Today was a perfect day..." I mumbled as my eyes grew heavy. Good night Neverland...

This is for Angelica_perfect

Yay :) this was fun to write!

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