#70 Losing It

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#70 Losing It

Swaying... it was the only thing I could remember for the longest time. I didn't know how long I was sitting in that room, a prisoner of not only him, but of my own skin. For what I thought was about a couple of weeks, I have been held hostage by the irritable Captain Hook, and let's just say he and his crew haven't been welcoming hosts with open arms. I can't even describe what they made me go through, all the pain... all the tears... all the innocence I have lost. A cloth bag disabled my vision as I sat curled up in my cell, my wrists burning where the metal shackles have been placed. I have been trying to escape, physically or mentally- Either way, I didn't want to deal with everything anymore.

As I began to hum and slightly hit my head against the wooden wall, I heard muffled voices above me.

"I know she is here, where is she?" The voice yelled.

"P-Peter?" My voice inaudible, it was gone from all the screaming and crying.

"She is here, but I won't tell you where until you fulfill the end of our deal." Hook sneered.

With all my might, I yelled, "Peter!"

"Jasmine? Where are you?" He yelled. I could hear the panic in his voice.

"Help me please! I'm-" A giant hand clasped over my mouth. I let out a muffled scream.

"Jasmine! Let me see her."

"Fine- Fine. bring her up," Hook ordered.

The pirate forced me to get up, my weak body barely made it up the stares with the maximum amount of effort I had. A door was kicked open in front of me and I was thrown on to the cold ground. I let out a quiet sob as I landed hardly on my knee causing me to fall over.

"Get up." The pirate pulled up on my arm forcefully.

"Don't touch her" Pan sneered.

"Too late," Hook scoffed.

"You bastard-" I heard shuffling of feet.

"Now- if you want your wench back then you have to complete the deal."

"Don't do it!" I yelled.

"Shut your mouth." The pirate behind me put his gigantic foot on my weak legs and applied pressure causing me to whimper.

"Let him see her." Hook said.

I felt the pressure behind me release and heard the pirate step back. I could sense someone in front of me. The end of the bag was pulled off my head, revealing my swollen, bloody, scarred up face. Peter gently cupped my face.

"What have they done to you?" He whispered. I shook my head and broke down into a full on sob. Peter's expression changed from sympathetic to angry.

He stood up and faced Hook, "Let her go, can't you see that you have done enough to this poor girl?"

"We will continue to do more to her until you surrender up your island up to us."

"No Peter, don't-"

He crouched down in front of me, "I have to love, I can't bear to even think about leaving you here."

"No you- Peter look out!" I pointed with my shaking hand to Hook charging at him from behind.

Peter dodged the hook coming down at him. He disappeared and reappeared behind him. He swung his fist around and made contact with Hook's face. Hook stumbled back, clutching newly reddened face. He charged back at Peter, their battle seemed to never end. During their battle, the larger pirate behind me grabbed my hair and hoisted me up to my feet.

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