#69 Out in the Open

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#69 Out in the Open

I dragged my feet in the dirt as I brought back some pieces of firewood back to the camp. I heard some twigs behind me crack. I stopped in my tracks, slightly turning my head to side to see who was approaching me.

"Hello Pan," I stood up straighter.

"Don't worry love, I'm alone." He snaked his arm around my waist.

"Oh well on that case, how are you?" I dropped the firewood and placed my arms around his neck.

"Even better now that I get to see you," His gaze kept moving from my eyes to my lips. He lips grazed mine when we were interrupted by a distant yelling.

"Pan!" Felix yelled.

Peter cupped my face, "I'm so sorry Courtney-"

"It's okay..." I looked down at the floor, "You should go before they suspect anything..."

"Alright," He kissed my forehead and began to walk toward the newly blooming trees.


"Hmm?" He kept his back to me.

"How much longer do we have to do this? Sneak around like this?"

His disappointed green eyes met mine, "I don't know yet, but hopefully not for long."

I nodded understandingly and continued my way over to camp. I understand the reason why Peter doesn't want the boys to know about us- he thinks that if the lost boys find out that he has feelings for me that they will think he is growing weak and will lose their loyalty to him. So that's why even though we have been together for like five months secretly, we have been having these private meetings whenever we can.

I dropped the firewood next to the burnt out fire from the previous night. Felix came from out of his tent with his normal cloak and club.

"Where is everybody?" I asked.

"They are at the beach target practicing- I was about to go down there myself, would you like to be escorted?"

"Uh-sure, thanks." I smiled appreciatively.


Felix and I arrived at the beach where all the lost boys were throwing spears and shooting arrows.

"There are two stations available on the end, you need to work on your bow and arrow skills. I will be down there soon to assist you." Felix said.

I nodded and made my way past the lost boys. Peter walked toward me with a very serious expression.

"What are you doing here?" he asked looking down at me.

"I need to train." I stated.

He stepped closer and whispered in my ear, "I don't want you to train, that means that you will get involved in any fights we may have and I don't want you to risk getting hurt."

"Peter. I will be fine, it's only training. Besides, it's just Felix helping me."

I noticed Peter eyeing Felix...Was he jealous?

"Okay, just be safe please."

"I will." I looked up into his eyes confidently.

He nodded then continued to walk down the line of boys. I walked over to my spot with Felix.

"Alright, now pick up the bow and show me what you can do." He stood back with crossed arms.

I picked up the wooden bow, took a deep breath, and aimed.

"Now release." Felix commanded.

I let go and hit the left side of the target.

"Here, I see the problem." He walked up behind me, "Okay now aim again..."

I did as he told me to do, but before I let go, he grabbed my hips and ever so slightly turned them to the right.

"Keep your core tight," He placed his hand on my stomach, making me tense up.

I glanced over at Peter who was fuming with jealousy. Felix gently placed his other hand on my arm pulling the bow.

"Now just let go..." He whispered in my ear. I did as he said and my arrow ended up hitting close to the center of the target.

"You see? You just have to work on technique."

"Yeah, thanks Felix," I looked down at the ground, I don't want Peter thinking that I'm flirting with him because I'm not.

"Hey," Felix lifted my chin, "Have some confidence. A beautiful girl like you should have some confidence."

"Felix, you shouldn't-"

"Shouldn't what? Do this?" He leaned down and placed his lips on mine.

I pulled back, "No we can't do this."

"Why?" He asked.

I turned to see Peter walked angrily away, disappearing into the trees.

"Peter wait!" I pulled out of Felix's hold and ran after him.

"Peter!" I saw him, "Wait!"

"Go away Courtney..." Peter continued walking.

"Peter will you just listen to me for at least a minute?" I begged.

He stopped walking but didn't face me, "Fine, go ahead."

"What happened back there wasn't me. It was him, but don't get mad at him because how was he supposed to know that my heart belongs to you, and only you. I could never love another person as much as I love you..."

He turned to me.

"Peter, besides out of a whole island of boys, I chose you. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

He smiled at me.

"There's that smile I know and love." I walked up to him and cupped his face.

"I'm sorry- this is all my fault," He looked down into my eyes, "I was acting like a jealous idiot, I should have just told the lost boys long ago so that this would never happen. I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, how about we go back and deal with this together?"

"Okay love," He grabbed my hand.

I nodded and smiled up at him,

"Ready?" I squeezed his hand.

"Ready," Peter let out a deep breath, "I love you Courtney."

"I love you too Peter."

We began to walk back out on to the beach, the boys turned toward us. Some were surprised and some didn't seem to care.

"See, it's not so bad," I whispered as we approached them.

Peter was still a little tense, but I just quietly laughed.

"It's going to be okay," I rubbed his hand with my thumb.

"I know," He grinned down at me.

Once we were at the training stations, Peter then explained to the lost boys what was going on, even though the whole situation with Felix did get a tiny bit awkward. After their discussion, Peter walked back over to me and pulled me into his arms.

"This is nice, being out in the open like this." I rested my head against his chest.

"No more hiding," He rubbed my arm. He pulled me in front of him, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

"And I you." I blushed up at him.

Slowly, he pulled me closer and leaned in. He placed his hand on my cheek and made me feel like I was the only girl in the whole wide world. I can't believe I am in love with with the one and only Peter Pan...

This is for courtney_17 I hope you like it :)

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