#38 Wisdom Teeth

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#38 Wisdom Teeth

It seemed like I played Flappy Bird for an hour straight. Ugh, I hate having to sit still in waiting rooms for so long. Mrs. Kay was reading a magazine and I didn't want to interrupt her, plus Robbie and I have only dated for like 4 months, so there would be a very awkward conversation between us.

I nurse in pink smocks came out with a clip board.

"Parent or guardian of Robbie Kay?" She asked.

"That's me." She got up.

The two of them tried whispering but I could hear everything.

"Alright, he is starting to wake up. Would you like to come see him?" asked the nurse.

"Yes please." They began to walk when Robbie's mom turned toward me.

"Emma, do you want to see him?" She pointed.

I nodded with a huge smile and caught up with them, my camera ready in hand.

We entered a room where my poor baby was laying in bed with some tubes here and there.

"Hey buddy," she said, "How is your mouth feeling?"

He squinted up at her.

"Numb," He murmured through the gauze, "do I have stitches?"

"Yep, but you shouldn't be able to feel them." said the nurse handing him some water. It just spilled all over him.

"I will go get some paper towels." said the nurse.

"I will come too."

They rushed out leaving Robbie and I alone.

I sat on the side of the bed.

"Hey." I grabbed his hand and rubbed it.

"I feel weird.... like an episode of doctor who is going off in my brain." His eyes looked around the room.

Even though I didn't know what he meant by that last statement, I just shrugged and laughed. Laughing gas is the best.

"I know honey, you should feel less weird in a couple of hours." I leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"You can't be doing that!" He yelled.

Oh my gosh, I wanted to die laughing at him.

"And why not?" I crossed my arms.

"Because I am not single."

"I know Robbie, I-"

"Do you know my girlfriend?" He sat up and looked at me with a crazy eye.

"Yes, I know her." I chuckled.

"Do you have a picture of her in your magical box?" He kept poking the screen of my phone.

"Yes, give me a second." I smiled as I scrolled through my camera roll. I found a picture from our one-month date.

"Here...." I handed him the phone. He brought it really close up to his face.

"There she is, my Emma." He smiled like a goofball.

His smile quickly transitioned into a frown, followed by tears falling down his cheeks.

"Aw, what's wrong?" I wiped his tears.

"I miss her, I miss my Emma. She..is my....everything." He said in between sobs, "She deserves someone better than me."

"That is not true." I protested to my drugged crying boyfriend.

"She is so beautiful. The most beautiful girl I have EVER seen. She just has these eyes that will make you melt like- like- crayons crayons in the sun!"

Aw that was cute.... and creative.

"And her personality is the best part. You know you remind me a lot of Emma." He poked my arm.

"Oh really?" I smirked.

"Yeah, but I can't flirt with you because I just love Emma to much. I don't want to break her heart, she already thinks I'm a chick magnet and what am I supposed to tell her? I found a girl when getting my wisdom teeth removed? No! That is wrong!" He yelled angrily.

"Alrighty, settle down there." I patted his leg.

"I just want to see her...." she whimpered. "Can you go get her for me please? You seem like a nice lady."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes. I literally stepped out of the room and came back in.

"EMMA! You are here!" He got very hyper. "I was just telling this lady, that- that..."

"I know, we talked out in the hallway." I lied right between my huge smile.

"You did? I told her to keep that in a file to be stored as a top secret file!" He threw his arms around.

"Well I thought what you said about me was very sweet." I smiled.

"Aww good, you deserve to be happy." He turned his head around everywhere. "I think I'm heading off to LaLa Land again. The room is getting swirly again."

"Ok haha, you need more rest. I will see you later, ok?" I kissed his forehead.

"Ok, just stay here with me, you need to protect me... from the space ninjas..." He droned back off into sleep. Even though he was asleep, he had a right grasp in my hand. His mom and nurse came back in.

"Did he say anything to you?" They asked.

"Yep." I smiled and looked at him, "He said enough to make anyone's day."

"Well that's good. Did you get it on video?"

I small smile flickered on his face. He must be dreaming

"No sorry, but I will never forget what he said...."

This is for EmmaTracy9. Sorry if its short. So I wrote this because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out soon.

Comment on these questions:


•Have you gotten yours out? (if yes, when?)

•is it scary? (I hate needles)

•did you do/say anything funny afterward?

I want to hear your stories :)

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