#2 Pan Let Me Go

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Imagine #2
-Pan, Let Me Go

"Christina, where are you going?" Pan asked.

"It doesn't concern you..." I said, not looking up from my suitcase.

"I believe it does love, I always know what happens on my island." He said, closing my suitcase.

"Just stop!" I yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" he yelled.

"I. will." I stated. I continued packing. He was pacing bak and forth, building with rage.

"Just tell me god dammit!" He slammed his hand down on my desk.

I'm in my room

I flinched at his anger.

I can hear them yelling from here.

"Ok, fine..." I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath. I was about to tell him everything.

I walked down the stairs, seeing a terrible sight. my parents are in each others face, fingers pointed every so often. My dad is as red as a tomato, a distinct vein almost popped out of his head. My mom's eyes filled with hateful tears. She pointed toward the door.

"GET OUT!" she screamed.

"Fine!" He shoved her back, making her stumbled into the counter.

My dad grabbed his keys, his jacket, and put his hand on the door knob.

"D-dad?" I choked out, a couple of warm tears running down my face.

"I'm sorry, princess..." A tear slid down his cheek, and in a moment's notice, he was gone.

"Now that I'm 18, I can talk to him. So that's why I want to go finds father." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I, I didn't know." He said. He placed his hand on mine. I jerked mine back.

"That is why I'm leaving..." I stated, I could feel tears building up in my eyes.

"But you can't leave," he protested.

"Peter, you know that I care for you, but this is just something I need to do. I need answers." I grabbed my suitcase and walked quickly out the door.

The lost boys were eating their dinner and weren't paying attention.

Peter stormed out of his tent.

"So that's it?!?" He yelled, the camp became silent, "What everything we have been through together?"

Tears slid down my cheek.

"Peter, please, not here...." I begged.

"Please, Christina, stay. I love you." His eyes filled with tears.

"I can't- I'm so sorry Peter." I ran off toward the beach, threw pixie dust over myself, and flew up into the night. I looked back at Neverland and saw the lit up area from the camp's fire.

I shook all of my thoughts out of my head and flew straight ahead. The cold wind seemed as if it were freezing my warm tears.


I stepped out of my taxi. I looked up at the restaurant's neon sign, glowing brightly in the night. I got ahold of my father's cell number through some other relatives. We both agreed to meet and talk at this restaurant at 8:30. It was 8:20.

I grabbed the cold handle of the door and opened it. He told me out reservation would be under his name.

"Name?" the bored lady at the waiting area asked.

"There should be a table for two under Mark." I stated.

"Ah, yes, follow me."

She stepped in front of me.

This is it, just be calm, and straight forward.

She led me to an empty table. My heart dropped a tiny bit.

"Here you go," she looked around, "is your second guest coming?"

"Uh, yea, he should be."

"Oh ok, I will put this here." She noticed I looked a little troubled. He set down the menu and walked away.

I kept looking at the door and nervously twiddling the fringe on my leather purse.

He will be here, don't worry, he is just running late.

I have already had many cups of water by now, the waitress kept checking in on me every ten minutes.

I was looking down at my phone, texting him "Where are you?" for like the twentieth time.

"Um, excuse me? I'm sorry but we are closing."

"Oh it's ok." I slid out if the booth, broken hearted.

I looked around and noticed all the chairs were up on the tables.

"I noticed you seemed distressed so I called a taxi for you." said the manager.

"Thank you." I said walking out too the dimming restaurant.

It was raining and I forgot to bring an umbrella. Can this night get any worse? I sat down on the bench devastated.

I look down at my phone one last time and noticed that my dad had seen all of my messages, but just never responded. I threw my phone as hard as I could into the parking lot and curled up, crying. I was soaking wet and just miserable.

I felt an arm go around me.

"Peter?" I sniffed, "What are you doing here?"

"Don't mind me, it doesn't matter. I'm sorry about-"

I started sobbing. He pulled me closer and cooed in my ear "It's ok darling, I'm here..."

Once I finished having my meltdown, Peter and I stood up, but continued hugging in the rain.


"Yes Peter?"

"Will you come home now?"

I chuckled, "Of course my love."

He kissed my forehead, wrapped his arms around me, and lifted us into the air. We then went toward home, our second star to the right, and straight on till morning.

A/N sorry this one was kinda sad. this was for 22neverland

Hope you guys had an amazing weekend! Love you all!

OUAT/ROBBIE KAY ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now