#50 New Friends

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#50 New Friends

"Bye Mom!" I yelled heading toward the door.

"Bye Gena! Have a good day! Make new friends!" She yelled from upstairs.

"I'll try..." I mumbled as I closed the front door.

Great. The first day of Junior year at a brand new high school. We just moved her because my dad transferred offices for his work.

When I arrived at the school, all the cheerleaders and football players were standing in the front, cheering at the people walking into the main gates. Ew... people. It's too early to be this cheery. I spotted someone with a sign that says, "Need help?"

I went up to the girl and said, "Where is H101?"

"Oh that's Mrs. Burze for English. She is located in that building on the east side of the campus. You will see a big tree near her class and I think you should be able to find it from there."

"Thank you." I smiled and headed to the east side. I had to pass the senior parking lot where there was a line on seniors trying to get a parking pass. An administrator was talking to some guy in this really nice red mustang. He was leaning against his car and just socially chatting with the teacher. He seems nice. We made eye contact and we both looked away really quickly. I was blushing a little, ugh that's embarrassing.

I kept walking and saw a group of girls gossiping in a little group.

"I hear he is rich." They kept looking over at that guy.

"But would you seriously go after him? He isn't even that cute."

Well that was mean.

"I don't care, if he is rich that is all that counts."

They all giggled and kept talking. Those kind of people annoy me. I finally found my class and sat down. Ugh, this is going to be a long day.


Yay! Sixth period! This day is almost over. I walked into the drama room and looked around. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves. There were a couple of seats open. I could choose to sit next to either:

-The theater-obsessed cocky girl

-The kid who didn't want to take this class and was just placed there

-The shy guy who doesn't want to be too out there onstage

Right when I was about to sit next to the cocky girl, I heard someone say, "There is a spot next to me if you would like to sit there."

I turned and saw it was it was that guy with the mustang.

"Oh, um sure." I gave a friendly smile. I put my bag on the ground and gracefully tried to sit down.

"So my name is Robbie, and you are?" He asked.

"Gena." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Gena."

"You too. I couldn't help but notice your accent. It's so cool." I stated.

Wow, I must sound so lame.

"Thanks." He chuckled, "I get that a lot."

"Hello class!" announced a very theatrical teacher, "My name is Mr. Travis. As you all know, this class is about the wonderful art of theatre. You will experience new things, like becoming different characters, writing scripts, building relationships and emotions with each other, and the knowledge of stage presence along with theatre etiquette."

Everyone started chatting again, some with excitement and some with regret. Mr. Travis then began to talk about the syllabus.

"We are going to go over our first lesson now. Ok everyone take out a piece of paper," said Mr. Travis, "One aspect of theatre is being put on the spot. Like improv or just a cold reading. At auditions, you always have to be willing to do anything that an audition that the director wants you to do. So we are going to do a little exercise right now. I need some volunteers."

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