#39 The Deal (Part 2)

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#39 The Deal (Part 2)

Read "The Deal" imagine #31 if you haven't yet, this will make more sense :) (Btw, this takes place two years after the first part. She is now 18)

I dunked my hands into the luke-warm water sitting by the flour mill. I pulled a tight knot on my worn out apron around my waist. It was time to get to work. I was sweeping all the dirt out of my wagon when I heard the 'claps' of a horse's hooves approaching. A messenger boy hopped off the stallion and stuck out a sealed envelope with a very fancy wax stamp sealing in the mystery letter.

"Here you go Sky, it looks like it came from someone very important."

I took it from his hands.

"Thank you Linus." I placed two small coins into his hands. He nodded and rode away. I was so anxious to open the mysterious letter. I slowly opened it, not wanting to rip whatever valuable information it contained.

I pulled back the piece of paper that had beautiful penmanship. It read:

''Greetings Sky,

I am the honorable Lord Dante, and I request that you deliver the finest flour that you may contain. I have heard that you flour is very splendid and I would like to provide it at my daughter's party tomorrow night. If you except this, there will be a high reward. My location is on the back with the amount of flour that I would desire.. Hope to see you soon.

-Lord Dante"

"Wow..." I muttered under my breath. I turned it over and read the additional information. He wanted 50 pounds of flour. Must be a big feast. I can't even imagine how large my reward will be. I ran into my house where I saw my mom was trying to clean while holding my baby sister.

"Mom! Look!" I ran to her, practically waving the letter in her face. She scanned over the beginning of it. I smiled as I saw her eyes grow huge.

"Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed, "You have to leave now if you want to get there in time! Hurry!"

"I didn't know it was that far." I said as she pushed me out of the house.

"It is honey," She kissed my forehead, "I would come with you but I need to stay here for Angelina, will you be ok?"

"Yes mother, I will be fine." I smiled.

"Now get going before it gets too hectic." She gave me one last hug before running into the house.

I threw almost every sack of flour onto my wagon, which took all the muscle strength that I had. I attacked the wooden cart to my horse and signaled to go.


My horse slowed from his trot to a stop. I slid off the side of him, landing on my feet. I grabbed his reins and pulled him to the gates. Surprisingly, the tall protective gates were open and no one was to be seen. Perhaps they were all inside. I stopped my horse and tied him up to a pillar.

I walked up the palace steps and knocked on the wooden doors. On the third knock, the door opened at my touch. i stepped into the dark empty room.

"Hello?" I asked as my voice echoed throughout the abandoned hallway.

"My lord?" I asked one more time. Nothing...

I walked into another opening door, leading me to yet another abandoned room. A ballroom o be exact. I spotted a small pedestal across the way. I stode quickly over to it, picking up the small letter. It looked exactly like the one I received earlier. I picked it up and read out loud:

OUAT/ROBBIE KAY ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt