#3 Robbie and the Unfinished Song

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Imagine #3

-Robbie and the Unfinished Song

I was sitting on my bed, pencil in my mouth, my guitar on my lap.

I strummed a few chords and then paused.

"C, G, A minor, F, A7... Now what?"

"I'm not musically talented like you, but how about E minor?" I looked up and saw Robbie leaning in the doorway.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I said while putting down my guitar and running to give him a hug. I held onto him tight.

Robbie rarely comes over. He used to be my neighbor for most of my childhood before he started filming.

"I was just stopping by the ol' neighborhood before I have to head back to Vancouver." OMG his accent is still so amazing. I haven't heard it in forever.

"How long are you visiting?" I asked all giddy.

"Unfortunately I'm leaving tomorrow morning." He said, giving a funny pouty face.

"Oh, well I guess you just stopped by to say hi and now you are going to go visit family?" I giggled and put my hands in my pockets.

"Actually no, I told my mom that I though it would be cool if I could just hang out with you today." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Awesome! I-uh-mean cool." Wow, I didn't want to look like a creeper infront of my childhood crush, who I may still have a crush on. 

He just laughed and looked past me.

"I see that you still play the guitar. Are you any good?" He asks.

"I guess." I blush.

"Can I hear something?" He nods toward my guitar.

"Oh, uh, yeah, of course." I ran over and grabbed it. I sat on my bed and patted in front of me to sit there. He placed himself and looked at me, ready to listen to me play.

I began to strum the strings, feeling the vibration of the strings, and hearing the rich tones.... ugh I lose myself when playing.

Robbie stopped my hand quickly.

"What's wrong?" I snapped out of my phase. 

"Knowing you, you wrote this song and you have lyrics. Come on, let me hear them." He nudged me.

"No, I can't sing." I said shyly.

"Oh please, as children, you would always sing for me. I know you can. Cmon... please???" He begged.

He battered those beautiful green eyes of his. How I could I say no to those? How could anyone say no to him?

"Ugh fine, you annoy me sometimes Kay..." I laughed. 

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and began to play the intro. I then opened my mouth to sing.

"I remember the day you walked into the room,

My heart started pounding becasue I wanted you

My friends looked at me and the thought I was crazy,

I turned and walked away and started singing,

I'm in love with this one boy and I want him to be mine

I know I can't have him but he drives me crazy inside,

When I look into his eyes I just want to kiss him more,

Please tell me boy, do you want to be my one and only boy?"

I opened my eyes and saw Robbie staring at me with his mouth hanging wide open.

"So," I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "What did you think?"

"That was amazing!" He smiled.

"I haven't finished the song yet though, its a working process. I don't know how to continue it."

"I think I can give you some inspiration." He said.

"How?" I smirked.

"Like this." He placed his lips on mine. At first I tensed up, but then I began to melt. I pulled back and smiled.

"Does that help?" He chuckled.

"I think so." I blushed.

"Do you wanna get out of here and go get some Starbucks or something?" He stood up.

"I would like that." I smiled. 

He grabbed my hand. I stood up. He bowed and kissed it.

"My lady." He smiled.

We intertwined our fingers and started to walk out of the room. I grabbed my keys, but then he snatched them out of my hand.

"Don't worry, I'll drive love."

I swear my childhood dreams are coming true.

A/N: So this is for @22neverland   hope you like it! Sorry that it is short. The lyrics are also inspired from the talented @22neverland!!!! It may be awhile until the next imagine. Today was hectic for me so its was hard to write. I have like 7 more to write so far! Woohoo! I can do it!

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