#12 I Hate the Dark.

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#12 I Hate the Dark

Robbie and I walk down the line of different food stands, hand in hand. Every year we go to the local county fair. It is our tradition. Coincidentally, the fair always is open on our anniversary.

"Hey Riley," Robbie pulls me aside, "Guess what?"

"What?" I smile.

"Surprise kiss." 

We lean in and give a quick peck.

"Hey babe, I'm starving. Can we get something to eat?" I ask.

"Sure, what do you want? Anything you want I want."

"How about we split a giant corndog?"

"That sounds delicious. How about I will go get it and you find us a  table somewhere. Text me where you are beacsue it looks like all the tables around here are taken." He says while looking around.

"Ok love." I try to imitate him, fail, and just chuckle, "Ok I will text you."

I walk off, eventually spotting a small table next to the ferris wheel.

Just letting you know I am near the small ferris wheel, it is like a 4 minute walk.

ROBBIE <3: Ok, the line is kinda long but I'm almost to the front.

I  looked around at nearby rides, snce we only have enough tickets left for one more ride. I don't feel like going on any more spinny rides today. I spotted a rollercoaster that all of my friends have been talking about. It is suppose to be this insane but thrilling rollercoaster that is in the complete dark, so that you don't know where you are going.

But I have a dilemma. 

1. Robbie doesn't like rollercoasters

2. I am terrified of the dark.

But I still really want to go on that ride. You see, I am a very curious person who loves trying new things. I walk over to that ride quickly, as not to lose our table, and I purchase two tickets to that ride. Hopefully Robbie isn't mad at me. 

I run back and sit there. I see Robbie turn the corner scanning for me. I stand up and wave until he sees me.

I places the huge corndog on the table.

"Wow" I said.

"I know right, and the line was monstrous." He laughs while sitting down.

We start taking turns of biting into it, or feeding each other in a cute way. I was so full after eating half of it.

"Man, I'm stuffed." I say patting my belly.

"But I have to say it was pretty brilliant." He chuckles.

"Oh so I got us tickets for our last ride. Here," I say handing them to him. 

He looked at them and once he realized where they came from, his eyes grew really big.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He laughs nervously.

"No, but I have been dying to go on it, and I think it would be a good bonding experience to go on it together, so taht we can both face our fears." I beg.

He looks down at the tickets, then back up at me. I made a ridiculous pouty face.

"Well how can I say no to that?" He says.

"Yay!" I gave him a hug. "The line doesn't look that long, let's go now before we chicken out and change our minds." 

We walked to the front and looked up at the ride.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I let out a deep breath.

"I think so, are you?"

"As long as I am with you Riley, I  know I will be fine."

I know he is trying to sound strong, but I felt a vibe coming from him that he was nervous.

I grabbed his hand and we walked up to the operator. He collected and tickets and told us to go to gate one. 

"The car will be here shortly. " He states in a monotone.

I let go of Robbie's hand and wiped my hands on my pants.

"Sorry, I'm kind of scared now." I laugh.

The car rolls up and we hop in. The lap bar is lowered. I grab Robbie's hand tightly again. He leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Don't worry love, I'm right here."

I immediately relaxed. The car then proceeded forward, with the doors closing behind us, showing no possible lights.


The end results with a quick stop.. All of the riders were laughing and clapping. We then return to the loading area. I looke over at Robbie who was smiling and laughing.

"What?" I laugh.

"Your hair!" He exclaims. 

"My hair? Look at yours!" His is all spiked up. I brush it back down for him.

The lap bars come up and we got out. He wraps his arms around my shoulder.

"That was really fun. Thanks for persuading me to go on that." He smiles.

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought."

"I'm proud of us, I'm proud of you! I mean, you just got over one of your fears. "

"Only because you were there with me." I blush. 

Robbie pulls some money out of his pocket.

"Do you want to go again?" He smiles.

"Of course!" He interlock fingers and run back to the ride.

We went on it 3 more times.

Every summer, that is the first and last ride Robbie and I go on everytime we visit...

This is for my homeslice ima_pangirl ! Love you Riley! Haha 

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