#59 A Glistening End

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#59 A Glistening End

I grabbed the fatal plant glistening with its dripping poison.

I can't take all this pain anymore, Pan has gone too far.

I looked at the palm of my hand. This is it...

I pushed the thorn down causing a line of crimson red to appear. The dreamshade quickly spread throughout my body. Everything was going numb. I saw Pan come running through the trees at me. My hearing ability was basically gone by now. Pan was yelling something at me but I couldn't hear him at all, just a fuzzy solid tone.

My legs became weak and I fell to the floor. Pan rested my head on his leg. My lungs felt as if someone was restricting then to breathe, I stared up into the night sky with a tranquil expression. At that moment, I didn't feel any pain. I felt light, I felt infinite.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Pan panicking and passionately yelling at my failing body.

"I'm coming home..." I barely was able to say that before the night sky was all that I could see...

**** 1 year ago ****

I was lying in bed when I heard my two younger brothers starting to talk.

"Alica, we had that nightmare again..." William said. I turned to the other side of my bed to see William and Raoul standing there in their footie pjs.

"Come sit with me." I patted next to me. My brother crawled up and cuddled into me.

"Tell me what happened in this nightmare again." I stroked their hair.

"Well, this time, mine was diffferent," Raoul said, "This black figure came toward me and said, 'Beready for me tonight' and then flew away."

"What is that supposed to mean?" William asked.

"I don't know," I looked toward the window, "just go to sleep."

They got under the covers as I got up to look out the window. I scanned the night sky, but nothing was there. Everything was silent...still... I stepped back and reached up for the lock when-


The windows blew open, which sent me backwards. I black figure, a shadow, soared into the room. My brothers began to scream as their nightmare became a reality. The shadow's sight was locked on the boys. I grabbed a blanket and started swatting at the menacing figure.

"Stay away from them!" I yelled. Its focus switched around to stare deep into my soul. I grabbed my hand and dragged me out the window.

"Let me down!!!!!" I yelled.

*****That fatal evening*****

I was carrying some firewood by the edge of the camp when I heard some lost boys mention my name. I quietly snuck closer and saw them siiting in a circle.

"I heard that Pan has a thing for Alica."

"If he did, why would he hurt her then?" Asked another.

"What do you mean?"

"If you look at her arm, she has bruises up and down her arm. My theory is Pan is abusing her."

I looked down at my arm and it was true. Ashamed, I rolled my sleep down.

"He just doesn't know how to express his feelings." said a lost boy who looked bored to death.

"Whatever, I just think-"

"Think what?" I asked as I walked into their circle. They went silent.

"Nothing," Felix stood up, "Do you need something?"

"Yes actually, where is Pan?" I asked confidently.

"He is by his thinking tree." He stated back.

I walked over there quickly and saw Pan's face in a book.

"Pan, I would wish to speak to you right now." I said.

"I'm busy" He muttered and continued to read.

"It will only be a moment of your t-"

"Go away Alica" He raised his voice a little more.

"Please, its important." I said more sternly.

"I said no" He hissed.

"Just let me talk damn-it" I pulled the book out of his hands. He stood up quickly and pushed me against the tree.

"Now why did you do that lass?" He growled. He seemed like a whole different person, like something was overpowering him.

"Y-you weren't letting me-"

"I don't care... When I tell you to do something, you do it." He grabbed my arm and began to squeeze.

"Ow Pan, stop" I cried.

"Why should I, when I asked you to do something, you didn't do it."

I freed my other hand and pushed him off of me, but he still didn't let go. He swung me around until I ended on the floor with a thud. My legs were cut up from the twigs I landed on. He took a step toward me.

"Please, Pan, don't hurt me anymore..." I began to breakdown.

I saw something change in his face, like something snapped. He looked ashamed.

"I-I'm sorry. I have to go." He quickly left.

I just laid there and cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I have tried so hard to try to fit in here, but no one cares about me. I was tired of the abuse, the hate. All I wanted was some compassion.

In that moment was when I decided to end my life, what was the point of living on this accursed island if there is nothing to live for. I scanned around when the glistening plant out of the corner of my eye.


My eyes fluttered open. Everything was white... Was I in heaven?

I kept hearing my name, as if one was tellig it from miles away. It was steadily getting louder.

"Alica........Alica........ Alica!"

I sat up gasping for air. Pan was cupping my face and had a smile forming upon his lips.

"You're back!" He pulled me into a hug.

"W-what happened?" I asked weakly.

"I will tell you as we head back to camp, you need rest. Your energy is low." He picked me up bridal style and explained to me this insane journey I just took.

The healing magic of the waterfalls brought me back to life. Pan also told me that he has always had feelings for me but the evil inside him, well his shadow, has been holding him back. Peter tried his best to confess his love for me a couple of times now, but the shadow has been entering his mind and changing his actions.

"Wait, so you love me?" I asked, our faces almost touching.

"Yes I do love, and I am so sorry for anything that I have physically or mentally done to you. I understand if you don't feel the same back. I mean, who would love me after all I have done-"

I gave him a gentle kiss.

"Everybody is a bit of a fixer upper."

This is for Queen-of-Westeros

OMG OUAT was so good tonight! I ship CS so hard. :)

Anyway, I won't probably be able to update this week at all (I know, I'm a terrible person :/ ) I'm so sorry but this while month has been stressful, crazy, and fun all at the same time so I promise next month things SHOULD be heading back to normal :)

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