#10 Felix and the Feather

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Imagine #10
Felix and the Feather

I woke up and stretched in the space that was available to me. You know, it's hard stretching in a small cage that is hanging in the air. I heard all the boys moving around. They were probably going hunting or target practice.

Some boys passed by, throwing rocks and sticks up at my cage.

"Stop! Please..." I yelled.

They continued until they heard a voice.

"Hey! Cut it out!"

"Sorry, Felix..." they all put there heads down.

"Now get going before I report to Pan."

The boys all ran away very quickly.

"Thanks Felix," I tucked a hair behind my ear.

"I have to go, same time again tonight?" He smiled.

"Yeah," I grinned, "Well I will be here."

"Can't wait." He said while putting on his hood.

He ran off and I leaned against the side.

Something hit my cage. I peek out of one of the small openings and see it is a spear with a note and a feather attached. I reached as far as I could and barely was able to grab it.

I looked at the feather fixture he and and then rolled out the note.

Hey Adi,

I'm sorry about you staying up there. I'm just afraid if Pan finds out that he will separate us or send you home, and I don't know what I would do without you. You are my everything, we will figure this out. Hopefully I will see you tonight! I love you so much.


(P.S. I hope you like the feather clip)

I set the note down and looked at the clip. Awww, it looks like his. I love him so much.

Yeah, yeah, I know. He doesn't seem very outgoing or like the romantic type, but he is with me. We started dating awhile back. The reason I came here was because my brother went missing, so I assumed he was here. But he wasn't. When I arrived, he wasn't here, so technically I was a trespasser. Felix was the first person who found me. He looked at me weird and was going to let me go, but then Pan showed up and ruined it. He ordered Felix to place me into the cages, he protested at first, but then obeyed.

Anyway, Felix every three days will sneak me out of my cage in the middle of the night and we will have our date night. It can be tiring, but it's worth it.


I was asleep and slowly began to wake up.

"Psst.... Adi..... Are you awake?" he whispered.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Uh, yeah, I'm- I'm awake."

The cage door opened.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." he helped me up.

"Oh shut up." I laughed while yawning.

"Everyone is asleep, so we are alone." He smiled. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Our fingers intertwined. We walked to the beach where Felix laid his cloak down in the sand for us to sit on.

He sat down first and I sat in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me and we stared out at the waves.

"Nice feather clip." He chuckles.

"Thanks, someone amazing made it for me." I turned my head and kissed his cheek.

"Do you know what Adi? I'm going to tell Pan about us, I don't care what he thinks. I love you too much to keep you in there."

"But he might hurt you, possibly even kill you." I protested.

"I know he wouldn't. But even if he did, I don't care. I have loved you ever since our first moments together, and I shall love you to our last."

This is for adikeren_6


Good news, the fire is hopefully dying down so I should be safe. Yay!

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