Chapter 46

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"Mom?" Rebecca asked again. One hand covered her mouth and the other was around her stomach. "Dad? Is it really you?"

They were quickly coming to us and reached us in about five seconds flat. Hannah reached her hand out and rest it on Rebecca's cheek. Becca's hand came down as she turned her head toward her mom's hand and her eyes fluttered closed. William's hands came up to rest on Rebecca's shoulder and Hannah's back. "It really is us, sweetheart."

Rebecca suddenly sprang to life and pulled them into a hug. "I can't believe it!" Tears were rolling down her cheeks and they hugged her back just as tightly. When she pulled back she wiped her tears away and asked, "where have you been for the last twenty-five years?"

"Oh honey, it's a long story," Hannah answered, "but do know we love you very much and if we could have found you we would have." She hugged her daughter back very tight, not willing to let go quite yet.

"What do you mean could have?" Becca asked pulling away out of her mother's embrace.

"That's not important right now," Hannah answered, "all that is is that we found you."

Meanwhile, I stood shell shocked as I witnessed what was happening before me and tried processing this new information. Oh God, if my parents were Rebecca's parents then that must mean we're, "sisters?"

Rebecca swung her head around and stared me in the eyes stunned, "what are you talking about?"

It felt like I could hardly get enough air but eventually, I choked out, "these are my parents."

It took a moment but Rebecca's eyes widened into saucers as realization dawned on her. "But these are my parents. You mean to tell me you're my sister?"

"Yes," Hannah answered for us, "you're sisters. And I finally have my daughters back."

There was a pregnant pause but it was broken by Rebecca who suddenly moaned, "oh God." One glance down and we saw liquid pooling on the floor.

"Shit," I said which caused everything to spring into motion.

"We need to get her to the hospital right now!" William yelled in his worried fatherly tone. At this moment, it seemed like nothing could hold him back and if anything got in the way, he would make sure it would not be in the way for much longer than a few seconds. He just got his daughter back, found out she was pregnant, and now a few seconds later she was having his grandchild. It was very understandable he was overwhelmed. He took Rebecca and wrapped one of her arms around his shoulder and wrapped one of his around her waist for support, "let's go sweetheart." He started hobbling away as fast as she would let him go.

"I can walk dad! It's not that bad right now!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"No, you can't."

"Yes, I can."





Meanwhile, Hannah laughed as they disappeared down the hall. "Oh, I haven't heard their bicker in so long, I love it."  A few tears welled up in her eyes but they disappeared about as quickly as they came. "Let's go." She then sped down the hall after them and soon disappeared around the corner.

It took me a bit longer to process everything that happened and when she was out of sight, I let out a sigh as everything hit me at once. Under normal circumstances, I would have jumped right into action with them, but these weren't normal circumstances. Doctor, Rebecca has gone into labor, we are on our way, be ready. I sent this quick message to the doctor through the mind link and raced after them toward the hospital wing.

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