Chapter 16

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I can't believe her sometimes but I do know usually what she does has the best intentions. I love Bailey, but some days, especially right now, she is drives me insane.

"Come on, I have to show you something," Bailey says as she drags me around like a dog.

"So does this mean you're not taking me to see that treacherous, no good prick?" I asked hopefully. If so I just became a whole lot more willing to follow her and I even walked next to her instead of letting her drag me around.

We sped down the stairs and out the front door. She shook her head in response. "No, we're not. But I am going to show you something I found this morning while you were training with that 'treacherous, no good prick' as you say."

I really did let out a sigh of relief then because I didn't have to bother with him. "So where are we going then?" I asked as curious as ever. I stepped lightly and with much more grace than I did earlier over fallen twigs and branches.

She shook her head tight lipped. "Nope, not going to happen. You're not going to get it out of me that easily."

I fake pouted but went along with her. Many possibilities ran through my head on where we might be going. There was the town that was here, wherever that was, but Bailey already knew of it so she couldn't have found it because it wasn't new to her.

We walked for what seemed like fifteen minutes in comfortable silence until I heard a trickle in the distance. It grew the closer we came to a splashing.

The undergrowth grew thicker the closer the sound came too. It was so thick I could not see where the noise was coming from. I stumbled a few times over roots and foliage but it would have been worse and if there wasn't a somewhat flattened trail already there. Being clumsy was really my specialty. It was my middle name, if it was my first then it would describe me perfectly. The ability to not trip over anything hasn't kicked in yet sadly with these new special 'powers' I'm just waiting for the day they will and I can scream at the top of a mountain in excitement so everyone can hear me.

The moment we broke through the line I almost yelled right there in happiness but the sight in front of me caught my breath and voice.

The place was tucked down in a pocket of the land. The pocket held a pool of water. A small waterfall flowed into the pond and a stream gently exited the water on the opposite side. Flowers and moss circled the place with an extra glow illuminating a fairy tale landscape.

"It's beautiful," I said softly not wanting to disturb the peace. But then I turned to her and asked kind of sarcastically, "and you just happened to stumble across this while you were out here this morning?" I honestly didn't think that was believable considering it was a pretty good distance away from the house and the fact she seemed pretty determined to bring me here and felt like she was hiding something.

She winced, "well, kind of. Liam told me about it and where to find it so I did? Anyways, I thought you would appreciate it because of the beauty and it could be a place to escape to every now and then."

"Of course, Liam," I mumbled under my breath. I then spoke louder for her, "well I do appreciate it. Thank you. This place is truly magical."

Bailey lit up with a grin. "I know right?" Her smile grew smaller with her next words, "oh, and there is one more thing."

I turned back to her wondering what it was. I raised an eyebrow in annoyance when she didn't say anything and stood there cheekily. "What is it?"

"Liam told me to bring you out here and have you find your way back to work on your tracking skills which I totally agree with so bye! And sorry!" She then ran off before I knew it using her super speed leaving me to fume by the pond. Some friend you are.

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