Chapter 25

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"I'm coming," I instantly said. I had no idea what the trouble was but I wanted to come no matter what.

"No," was his instant reply and then he turned around to face the messenger. "What happened?"

"Packs and others have been attacked sir and they come seeking shelter when they heard about us. That's all they'll say without you present." The messenger, a tall and big rounded male who smelled like a troll answered. He wiped his brow nervous. What could someone who looked like a lineman in the NFL be nervous about?

"Call the patrol and let's move out," Liam ordered.

"I'm coming," I insisted when he started moving toward the door. If there were people in trouble no way was I going to sit back and do nothing. I was more useful helping than not.

At the same time the troll yelled, "wait sir! There's something else."

Liam turned to the troll and asked, "what is it?" He was getting impatient, I could tell by the way he slightly rocked back and forth and the twitching of his muscles. It was getting hard for him to stay in place when there was trouble. When the troll didn't answer he ordered, "well, spit it out Madrid."

"It's your parents pack sir. They are here as well."

The moment the sentence was done Liam was out the door so fast he was no longer there after you blinked.

I hesitated a moment longer before giving the troll a nod. He bowed, which I thought was weird, but ignored it. It must be some custom for them to do that anyways, especially if they live here and have a king. As soon as I was able, I pushed my way through the door and tracked Liam's scent.

Even though there were so many people, Liam's was the easiest scent to pick out because I knew it. I've learned it over the last few months without realizing, this was including the time before I learned of this world. It also stood out above everyone else's. I traveled as fast as I could through the crowds following his scent. It took maybe five or ten minutes to get out of the city but once I did I took off after him.

Nothing was vaguely familiar with the direction he took but that didn't matter, all that matter was I could track him.

The trees were a blur, I was too focused on his trail and I was worried about Liam. His parents pack was attacked? Were they okay? I hoped desperately they were. After what I heard of them, I knew they were sweet people, especially with the way they took Liam in when they found him and adopted him.

I finally came across something that was familiar; it was the road we took the first time I entered Aelcrest. When we came we were heading north but Liam's scent was going south so I knew that was the direction I was suppose to go to find the entrance to the boarder.

I sprinted next to the road determined to meet up with him. Damn, this was farther than I remembered but then again I wasn't paying all that much attention to time when I came here to begin with. Finally, his scent became stronger and I slowed down until I came to a walk and slowed my breathing. It may not be as hard to run anymore but it still was a challenge.

I spotted Liam through the gates and there was numerous more people on the other side. I didn't even hesitate striding up to it. As soon as I reached it I noticed the guards posted on either side of the gate. They only nodded to me when I walked through and into the old world.

The change in worlds was very noticeable and took my breath away, literally. It was harder to breathe here. Sure, we were in the middle of the woods in the middle of no where but the air lacked something I became use to: magic. Magic made the air in Aelcrest much more purer and clearer. I didn't notice it that much until I walked back through the gate. The world was also much more duller in color and not as exciting as it might have once been. It was a place I no longer wished to be I realized. There was nothing for me here anymore, everything I had to look forward to was in Aelcrest and I've come to accept it as my new home.

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