Chapter 37

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After I changed, we all headed up toward the front to pay for the dresses since I was not going to let her give the dress to me even though she insisted. Bailey and I left our dresses in the back so Lydia could fix the measurements. As soon as we finished paying, on cue, the door to the shop opened and a girl around the age of Mia and Lydia strolled hurriedly through exclaiming, "sorry I'm late!"

Mia and Lydia laughed but Mia said, "Skylar, Bailey, this is Amelia but we call her Lia. She is our best friend. And I'm sure she has a perfectly good explanation for why she is late." She turned her attention on Lia with a teasing smile and a raised eyebrow.

Lia's face, however, was not one with anything playful on it nor did she looked embarrassed. Instead, she was serious and worried. I thought the worry on her face when she first walked in was because of being late but now I am thinking otherwise.

"Well you see, I was on my way over but Tyler wanted to see your daughter very badly and was throwing a fit when I said no. He decided he didn't care what I said and took off running to find your daughter when I wasn't looking. He's a fast one I tell you but he didn't quite know where he was going and I had to catch up with him. Somehow he ended up at the entrance and.. and.."

"Breathe," Mia interrupted and put a hand on her shoulder. "Just breathe." As soon as Lia's breathing became under control Mia asked, "okay, so tell me, what was it you were saying about the entrance and your son?"

Now this really piqued my interest. Entrance? What was going on at the entrance? And did she mean the gate to our world and the human world?

"We are really going to need Liam for this," Lia answered after a few seconds of catching her breath.

"You can tell me whatever you need to tell Liam," I reminded Lia.

It took a moment for Lia to understand what I said but the understanding dawn on her face with her eyes widening and her mouth forming an O. She shook her head before continuing and addressing both me and Mia, "oh yes, well, as I was saying. Tyler came across the entrance and since he doesn't really know the difference about the gate and being so young, he disappeared through it right before I or the guards could catch him. He could easily just squeeze and wiggle his way through them. Anyways, once they let me through to go after him I pretty much ran right into him."

"I was so surprised that he was just standing there on the other side of the barrier, it took me a moment before I noticed the blood. There was a lot of blood. I didn't stick around long to see what was up before racing back through with Tyler in my arms. I came straight here after dropping Tyler off back at home."

"Wait," I interrupted, "you didn't tell anyone about this until now? Not even the guards?"

Now she really did look embarrassed. "No, I was so shocked when I came back through I honestly didn't think about it. I know, it's no excuse but now you know."

I knew exactly what I had to do even if it wasn't recommended by anyone. They would probably tell me to stay here and let Liam handle the situation but I wasn't going to let that happen. I was going to investigate as well.

"Let's go!" I announced and started walking out the door but I did ask Mia before she could have her input, "Mia, it would be great if you could take care of the dress, please? And if you wanted you can continue with the wedding preparations while I'm gone. At least with what I don't need to be there for."

I then turned to Bailey before Mia could protest, "you can either stay here and help Mia or come with me. And Lia, you don't have to come back if you don't want to. I can pass on the information just fine to Liam if you would like." Honestly, she did look a little green and off in her own world so that is why I suggested it.

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