Chapter 4

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The smell of bacon and pancakes woke me up the next morning. I smiled as I stretched. It was just another ordinary day for most people, but not for me. It was my birthday and I was going to make sure it was better than yesterday. It had to be.

I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen to find my mom making breakfast. She had already finished the bacon and pancakes, now she was cooking the eggs in the leftover bacon grease which tasted amazing.

"Happy birthday sweetheart!" my mom exclaimed excitedly when she turned away from the eggs and saw me.

"Thanks mom," I smiled and sat down even though I was feeling tired. "This is great."

"No problem. Anything for you for your big one eight!"

I laughed, feeling the exhaustion slipping away. Afterwards, I started eating. It was delicious! A great way to start off the day. I completely forgot about yesterday as the bacon seemed to melt whenever I took a bite. The entire breakfast was extra good today.

My mom joined me as soon as she finished cooking more eggs and my dad joined us not long later.

"So," mom asked, "do you have any plans today?"

I nodded and took another bite. "Yeah, me and Bailey are going out. She should be here soon." Knowing her, she would be here within the hour to not waste the day away.

"Do you know what you're doing?" She knew Bailey doesn't tell me everything and would want to surprise me.

I shook my head, "no. She wanted to surprise me. So I bet it's going to be something I'm not to fond of." Then I shrugged, "oh well. I guess I'll deal with it. And I'll make sure it is a good day."

"That's good," my mom smiled and I soon finished cleaning my plate. "Well, have fun!"

"Thanks mom." I stood up and cleared my plate from the table, cleaning up my mess, then left to go change into some better clothes before she got here.

I showered and changed into jeans, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. But as soon as I sat down on my bed to rest for a moment, I heard her voice downstairs talking to my mom.

I slowly started standing up when I heard someone coming up the stairs. I knew exactly who it was.

"Ready to go?" Bailey asked as she burst through my door. My door whammed against the wall. She did opened it hard enough to make it sound in her excitement. But I couldn't blame her. I would be excited for her to if it was her birthday. I cringed at the sound however because it was loud and it really hurt my ears.

"Sorry," she added seeing my reaction before smiling brightly. "You are ready!" she exclaimed looking me up and down. "Let's go!" Bailey grabbed a hold the of my hand before I could protest and dragged me down the stairs with Coco following close behind. I just barely was able to grab my phone in time.

"Hey Coco," she acknowledged her and scratched her head when we reached the living room. Coco meowed and jumped up on the couch. I scratched her also when I heard Bailey yell, "we're leaving! We'll be back later!"

"Okay," my mom said coming out of the kitchen. She was use to Bailey doing things like this and saw her as a second daughter. "Just text me later if you're coming home or staying the night at Bailey's house."

"Will do mom," I answered. I kissed Coco's head before leaving with Bailey outside.

"Lots to do today. So little time." Bailey sung as we reached her car.

I looked at her in amusement before scrambling into the car because she yelled at me to hurry up. We really were like siblings, acting like them all the time. You couldn't have one half without the other. She was already in the car, itching to get going.

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