Chapter 30

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I could not believe I was roped into sharing my room with Liam but it was hard for both of us to say no to his mother. She was so nice and caring and I could tell she just wanted her son to be happy so could I really refuse? The moment it was agreed upon that we would share my room while they stayed night, her face lit up like the forth of July. I still recognized this even through my scattered brain but I was glad to make her happy.

But I was also reeling over the fact that I guess I was basically already married because Liam was my true mate. What happened to also choosing a mate? But I also knew there was no way I would ever reject Liam as my mate even if I wanted to because of my feelings for him. These feelings just couldn't be helped no matter how much I had tried to resist them earlier. They came through so I figured might as well embrace them now, no point trying to hide them or force them away anymore.

The moment my hand touched the doorknob I froze. How could I go through with this? It shouldn't be that hard. I mean we have slept the night together once before, and we were both naked, but that was different. We went to bed as Owatt's and woke up as humans. Now we're going to bed as humans in the same bedroom.

I glanced down over the railing at the bottom level and saw Mia grinning so happily even if she wasn't looking up here I knew it was about her happiness for her son and his mate. I couldn't take that away from her. I breathed deeply before gathering the courage, opening the door, and walking inside before I could change my mind.

Liam followed me inside and I shut the door. After I did I thought maybe it wasn't a good idea to close it all the way. I knew nothing would happen but I would just feel more comfortable. But I wasn't going to open it back up because that would be weird. So I forced myself away from the door  and then stood there awkwardly.

We stood there in silence for a moment before either one of us spoke up. It was Liam who finally broke the silence. "Come on, let's go somewhere for awhile."

I tilted my head in confusion, "where are we going?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the balcony. This confused me more because we were heading away from the door which was a normal way to get out of somewhere but we went toward the balcony. "To the roof."

He opened the door and led me outside. "Stay here, I'll be right back." Liam then left me wondering why we were going to the roof. It didn't take him long to return with a blanket in hand.

"So why are we going to the roof?" I asked upon his return.

He shrugged, "why not?"

"Okay, so how are we going to get on the roof?"

"Jump," Liam answered and in response he jumped on the roof.

I forgot that we were able to jump that high no problem so I quickly followed him on the roof. As soon as I joined him I saw him laying down the blanket on the roof. He sat down and patted the spot next to him smiling at me. "Come on."

I joined him on the blanket not long later and stared up at the stars with him. I must admit, this was much better than my crazy thoughts earlier. "So why did you want to come up here?" I asked again but this time I was really looking for a serious answer.

Liam shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I kind of just wanted you to get your mind off everything and not worry about anything in the future, at least just for this moment."

My breath was taken away by his sweet words. He really cared. I felt almost all of my anger toward him from earlier in the day disappear. "Thank you," I whispered.

It really was a beautiful night and every now and then we would talk about random things since I didn't want to spoil the mood by asking something more serious. Turns out we actually have a lot of the same interests, especially in movies. We both loved the Disney company. Te marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and many other movies from them. We enjoyed action, adventure, and dystopian, and we had an interest in the same music. There were many other small things of course but let me tell you, I was jealous he had been all over the world and I hadn't been anywhere because I really wanted to travel. I thought that would be an amazing adventure.

I was laughing hysterically from some joke he told when he sobered up and I since the shift in mood. "Can I tell you something?"

I nodded sitting up. It sounded really serious.

He rubbed his face and took a deep breath. "I never told anyone how my real parents really died. Not even my step parents. They assumed it was by hunters which is only half the truth."

He had to pause here and I put my hand over his. He turned his hand gripped mine but I didn't care for the pain, he needed this and I was happy to provide this small comfort to him.

He continued, "hunters did kill my parents, but only one. My dad. I saw everything from behind a bush I was hiding in. The hunters fled before my mom could go after them. She went crazy. Did you know losing your mate is the worst feeling in the world for an Owatt? You literally cannot go on without them. There is absolutely nothing that will make you want to stay in this world without your mate because you share souls. Sadly you won't stay for even your children because your literal half is gone." My breath hitched along with his because I knew where this was headed. This time it took longer for him to finish. "I saw my mother kill herself in front of me after losing my dad."

I didn't know what to say. What could you say to something with that big of a revelation? Something so tragic? There was nothing. So I did the next best thing I could think of, I threw myself on top of him and wrapped myself around him and weeped for his pain. No child should ever have to experience this. And I knew exactly what it felt like to lose both of your parents.

Liam instantly relaxed and soon his arms were wrapped around me as well. He squeezed tight but I didn't mind. We laid there together for a long time wrapped up in each others arms. Eventually, I pulled away slightly and said softly, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That's something you should have never gone through, especially so young."

He closed his eyes as if shutting out the pain of his experience. "That's another reason why I didn't tell you earlier we were mates. The thought of losing you had me terrified and would kill me because I never want to lose you."

My heart melted at his words and I did something I never would have thought to do for a long time. I kissed him.


Hey, here's the next chapter, I'm sorry it took so long but I barely have time to write anymore. I'm trying to do my best to update while in college but it gets pretty hard. Anyways I hope you like this chapter, the next chapter I'll be updating soon contains mature content so if you would rather not read that skip it and wait for the next update. And I'm sorry to those who got the update earlier, I accidentally published it but here it is with the real update!




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