Chapter 36

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Only seven more days, one more week until the ceremony. The thought was daunting and I would break out in a nervous cold sweat every now and then because there was so much we had to do before then. It was so overwhelming and just thinking about it puts me in a frenzy.

Mia showed me a whole list she typed up last night and brought with her this morning in the car on the way to the formal dress shop.

It was a place that sold everything that was formal or semi-formal for both men and women. Many of the items were imported from earth like many clothes but a factory was currently being constructed I guess to produce more clothes than just the few that other people were making. The owner of the formal dress shop, for example, likes to make clothes so half the items in her shop she actually made. Mia explained this to me as well on the way there. For not having lived here permanently she knows a lot about Aelcrest but then again her son is the Alpha King so of course, she would know a lot. She probably helped build half of this place.

"We're here!" Mia announced as the driver pulled up outside the shop. I guess we couldn't drive on our own today, we needed an escort though I honestly don't see why any one of us three were perfectly able to drive.

We were in a limo with the seats on either side facing each other. As soon as the driver opened the door, Mia jumped out of the car and I followed after her with Bailey, who had been sitting right beside me, following behind me.

With the way Mia bounced, I could tell she was both excited for this day and nervous because of the short deadline. I had faith in her, however, to be able to fit this all in because she was super organized.

"Okay, let's go, girls," Mia exclaimed and herded us inside the shop.

Bailey and I both started giggling at her enthusiasm but was cut off the moment we walked into the shop.

Rows upon rows of gorgeous dress lined the walls and racks on one side of the shop and I just couldn't help but stare in awe. It was like nothing I had ever seen. I could never afford one of these pieces of clothing in my old life, not even the shoes. The most money I had ever spent on one item of clothing was just under 100 dollars and this was my prom dress. Thank you, Amazon. I could tell many of the items toward the back were probably well over a hundred. The ones closer to the front were closer to everyday people spending. But then again this world was different than earth so who knew how much everything cost?

A hand touched my shoulder which shook me out of my shock. I shook myself and glanced at the owner of the hand. Mia was grinning. "Amazing isn't it? Now for the fun part, which I think is the most fun in all this planning."

Mia turned away and walked toward the back. I glanced at Bailey and she just shrugged. Then she started following Mia to the back and I fell in behind her.

A small woman with her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail was rushing around doing inventory and hanging items up on a rack or putting them on shelves. She was built pretty well for being in such a small body and by the smell of her she was a tiger. When she turned to face us she appeared to only be about ten years older than I but looks could be deceiving considering aging differences. Mia only looked near twenty-five and I knew she was near her forties. But it could also depend on each race as well and what their aging timeline is so this girl could either be really old, looked her age, or somewhere in between.

A smile graced the woman's lips when she saw us and she wiped her forehead before clapping, just as excited as Mia. "Yay! You're here!" Her eyes scanned the three of us and disappointment flashed through her eyes. "Where's Lia? Is she not coming as well?"

Confusion flashed through me, who was Lia? I turned to Mia for answers since she was the one who probably knew and the question was directed at her anyway. Mia shook her head, "no, she's not. But I can call her to stop by if you want me to."

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