Chapter 12

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I could hear my heartbeat as I ran. It was the only thing I could focus on. That and my breathing. I could only hear those two except for the jabs Liam made at me. The bastard has had us running for an hour straight with no breaks, and not at a jog pace. There were times I felt like I was okay and could keep up with him just fine but there were other times I lagged so badly and it took all my willpower to keep up. I was over here dying and he's barely broken a sweat, at least there was some so that meant he was still partly human.

I finally could go no further and came to stop, bending down at the waist and resting my hands on my knees while I tried to breathe. "What... the heck..... is wrong..... with.... you?" I labored. "We've been running for.... an hour.... and you haven't even.... done a break. A normal person needs breaks..... when they run for this long."

The prick came to a stop ten yards ahead and slowly revealed his front. There was a smile on his face. A fricking smile! He really seemed to take amusement to my pain. "And you're not normal, are you?" He pierced me with his gaze. "A normal person, even with the amount of training you had before your abilities emerged would have not been able to go on for longer than five minutes at the speed we were running and even that's pushing it. But we need to build up your endurance and this is the best way. You can take a break soon, we're almost to our destination."

My breaths were no longer so labored and I could speak normally for the most part. "You mean to tell me we've been running to a certain somewhere this entire time? How far is it?" I was dreading the run home already because there was no doubt that wasn't happening.

"Not to far now. Let's go." He then took off running again and I was forced to follow. I was lost and didn't know where we were after all. This was turning out to be a pretty bad morning so far. I let out a sigh and started again.

After about five more minutes of running, I saw a building through the trees. As I came closer, I realized it wasn't small. It loomed tall, at least three stories tall of not more. The walls were made of white stone and I wondered how it got here and how it was made in the short time this world existed. It must have taken years to build. It was massive and in the middle of nowhere.

The roof was gray and the ground around it was well taken care of. There was also a large concrete parking lot around the arena but no cars. What was this doing here?

"What is this place?" I asked when I slowed down and hit the pavement.

"It's our arena here. It's a place where we can come and play sports because there are people who miss sports and playing them on Earth. Here they can play whatever they want but it is also a place to train which is what we are going to do. Let's go." He jogged to the door and gracefully opened it, he waved his hand gesturing me inside. I groaned, more training.

I shuffled toward the slowly on shaky legs. I was not quite recovered from the run but walking it off was a good start.

After I finally made it inside, I was hit by a blast for good air. It waa the best thing ever. My body became tingly from the cool down and I was ready to not move farther and soak up the coldness. Liam had been right, I did not need a sweater, I was warm within a few minutes of running.

Liam walked passed me to the left and called out over his shoulder, "follow me."

I shook my head. "Nope. I'm good right here." I tucked my hair back behind my ear since it fell in front of my face.

"No resting now, your muscles are warm so it's the perfect time to keep going."

I groaned and started following him, "fine, just point me toward the bathroom at least." I could at least get my break in the bathroom and I'll take as long as I wanted too. That and I actually really do needed to go.

"Fine, hurry up, we're going downstairs, you can use the ones downstairs." We reached the top of the stairs and started traveling down. Stairs are not a good idea with shaky legs, I almost tripped and fell over nothing because of them. I caught myself on the railing a few times.

Once we reached the bottom after three different flights of stairs, we headed down a long hallway that had two big double doors at the end and a couple doors on the sides and some more hallways breaking off to the side. He pointed at the big double doors and said, "I'll be in there waiting. The girls bathrooms and locker rooms are to the right."

My only response was a nod before I scurried into the bathroom. I was hit with a wave of flowers and sweat and cleaning supplies. Flowers and other sweet scents overpowered the sweat though. I guess girls went really hard at working out here, they didn't work out just for show.

I did my business and washed my hands. I sniffed again and only smelt the sweet scents. Huh, maybe my nose was playing tricks on me because there were no sweat smells here. I glanced up at myself in the mirror and my eyes popped open wide. My hair was a mess! I looked like a complete mess too, but I didn't really care. It wasn't like I was trying to win a fashion show or impress anyone, I was just working hard. I did redo my ponytail though because a lot had fell out.

About a minute later I decided I probably couldn't put this off any longer or else he was going to come in and start yelling at me to hurry up and get out there. Why did he have to make my life miserable right now? I liked him better than before everything hppened. This is probably payback to how I ignored him to the best of my abilities back then. I swear, that life felt like it was a lifetime ago but was only a few days ago.

I pushed my way out of the locker room/bathroom and dragged my way all the way to the doors to emerge into one of the biggest training fatalities I've ever seen.

I think the ceiling was thirty feet in the air. There were ropes and other things hanging from the ceiling, there were climbing walls and other obsticles that kind of made this place look like a gymnastics center or ninja warrior training place, and there was a wall of weapons to my left. The weapons were what stood out that didn't make it look like an everyday gym.

Liam turned to face me when I entered and said with a smile, "ready for training?"

All I said was, "no," because I was so not ready and I knew I wasn't going to like it.

Hey, I know I haven't updated in seemed like forever but here's the next part. I decided to just cut it off here e n though I had a lot more planned for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!




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