Chapter 35

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Yesterday was hectic to say the least. Liam wasn't expecting me to play dirty with him while training. Every now and then when he would take me down or not I would catch him off guard by kissing him turning him on. He concluded that it was best if he wasn't training me anymore but at the same time he only wanted himself to train me so he was in quite a dilemma.

There were a few times he didn't fall into the trap so that backfired, he also tried to do it to me as well for payback but I knew what he was doing. The only time it worked on me was when he would touch my mark. Then I was just a big pile of goo. But I believe he wasn't going to let anyone else train me even if he said he would.

Afterward, he filled me in on everything I would have to do today for the ceremony. It wasn't too bad but parts of it did make me feel queasy, like drinking blood. That was definitely not one thing I was looking forward to but I would be officially a part of the pack and I need to do it because I will be queen.

And then his mom took up the rest of my day. I didn't realize there was so much to do. It was only made worse by the fact that there were only nine days left. I had no clue how we were going to get it all done but Mia was determined and I could tell when she had her heart or head set on something she was going to get it done. I was glad to have her around when my own mother couldn't.

We were supposed to go dress shopping in the next couple days and I was nervous. I hope Bailey will be able to be there because it wouldn't be right without her and I would feel much more comfortable with her there.

I still haven't gotten the chance to talk with her unfortunately and I was getting worried. Where was she? Why had she been staying away lately? Maybe I'll get to see her today because most people attend the blood ceremony. So she had to be there right?

Currently, I nervously paced back and forth in the living room wearing some type of semi-formal dress required of me to wear. It was white with a halter top and ended right at my knees. It was stunning and some maids had come over earlier to give it to me to wear. I instantly loved it and was excited to wear it. Now after they were gone and I was left on my own waiting for the blood ceremony to start I couldn't help but be nervous.

A knock sounded at the door startling me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I called out walking to the door and opening it. Outside stood a guard. When he saw me he bowed and said, "it's time my queen. If you would follow me please." If I hadn't been so nervous I would have stopped the guard from bowing. That was definitely not something I was use to and knew I would have to get use to it eventually. The guard turned and walked down the corridor. I instantly followed him feeling the butterflies in my stomach start to fly double time.

The guard led me outside to a massive courtyard. There were many people already gathered and standing around the stage set up in the middle. I saw Liam and I instantly felt calmer. The effect he had on me was weird but I really liked it. I wove my way through the crowd with the guard until I was next to Liam.

"I'm here," I told him when I reached his side.

He turned around and a smile instantly appeared on his face. "Good." He gave me a quick kiss. "Ready to get this thing started?"

"We might as well," I stated feeling slightly nervous again but being around him calmed me immensely.

He held out his hand to me. I put mine in his and he squeezed it once, I squeezed it back. He then led me over to the steps and helped me up them. I smiled at him and he strode over to the middle of the stage where he dropped my hand and started the ceremony.

"Welcome everyone!" Liam announced. Everyone quieted down instantly and turned their gaze up to Liam. He waited until it was completely quiet before continuing. "Today is an exciting day. Not only do I introduce many new members into the pack but I get to announce your new Alpha Queen, Skylar." He gestured toward me and I stepped right up next to him. This was when all eyes turned to me and my nerves came at me in a rush. What were they going to think? But there was no need to worry because there were smiles instantly on their faces in the pack and someone started cheering which others quickly joined in on.

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