Chapter 5

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What are we going to do? A girl voice said in my dream. It was dark and all I saw was fuzzy shapes.

I don't know. A male voice replied. But if another one shows up we're going to have to leave.

An angry voice answered but the dream faded out.


My temples throbbed and when I put my fingers to them to soothe them, I felt my heartbeat. It did not feel nice, that was for sure. I never had a worse headache in my life. Did I accidentally drink something? I didn't remember much after dancing with Bailey. It was all a fog. The one thing I could make out in the fog was green eyes. But why? I don't know.

I groaned and rolled over in my bed. How did I get home? I don't think Bailey could have carried me all the way back here and up to my room. Oh fudge, my parents.  What did they think? I was going to be in so much trouble. My dad probably had to carry me up here. I couldn't hide this from them. There was no way.

I laid in bed for another ten minutes. During this time a fluffy furball joined me on the bed and curled against my side. I scratched her head and body until I decided I should get up and face my parents.

I was still in my dress from last night. At least no one decided to put me in my pajamas because that would be highly uncomfortable for me. Just knowing someone did that would make me feel that way like they invaded me someway even if they didn't.

My movements were agonizingly slow when I crawled out of bed and decided to put real clothes on. I felt worse than normal. A thump resonated throughout my brain repeatedly and my entire body ached. It felt like a hundred horses galloped over me and then an elephant sat on me and squished me in the ground like a bug. I didn't drink last night. I know I didn't, I would never. Maybe I accidentally drank something that wasn't water? It was probably possible if I felt like this.

I sighed. This was going to be a great day. At least it was Sunday and there was no school. I dressed in my favorite pajama pants, which my mom hated because they were so worn. They wouldn't be so warn if they weren't my favorite after all. They were red, pink, and light pink plaid. I also slipped on a random blue t-shirt. I then stumbled slightly my way down the stairs with Coco hot on my trail.

It was there I found Bailey making breakfast. Wait. She was here? I thought she went home. Oh well, I shrugged. When she saw me she saw led broadly and said, "good morning sleepy head. Sleep well?"

I groaned and sat down at the counter and buried my head in my arms. "Don't ask me. I feel like crap. Did I accidentally drink something I don't know about. I hardly remember what happened last night." I peeked up at her.

She kept her smile on her face but it looked strained when she answered, "yeah, sorry. I didn't realize you drank something until it was too late. By then I couldn't stop you."

I buried my head in my arms again and groaned. "I'm sorry. How did we get home?"

"Ah, well you see Liam was there and he carried you home and up to your room. I believe he was the reason you started drinking in the first place because you were so frustrated with him." Bailey replied nervously.

Of course. It was just my luck he decided to show up. Who else could make me so mad? But I was horrified he saw me in that state and had to carry me home. He was probably concocting knew ways to tease me tomorrow. It was going to be a nightmare tomorrow, or hell. Hell was probably a better word.

"How bad was I?" I asked nervously.

"Pretty bad," Bailey answered still smiling, "you were dancing everywhere and trying to get Liam to dance with you. Once you did, you were all over him. Good thing you're still a good dancer even when drunk. Which is probably why you feel like crap too."

Could this get any more embarrassing? "Is there anything else I need to know about?" I asked looking up from my arms at her.

She turned away with a "nope!" and paid attention to finishing eggs and bacon she was cooking.  It was just what I needed. I was sooo happy I did not have to eat cereal.

When she placed a plate in front of me she also placed a glass of milk and a pill. "Here. Eat and drink these. It will make you feel better." I took the pill without question and ate my breakfast without conplaint. I'll enjoy myself for awhile longer before thinking about tomorrow. It was so not going to be a fun day.

I felt much better after we ate. The headache and the rest of the pain in my body disappeared and I felt almost 100%. This was great. We finished cleaning up the kitchen just as my parents came down the stairs. Oh no, I forgot about them.

"Morning sweetheart!" my mom said with a gigantic smile on her face, "did you have fun?"

I gave her a smile and nodded, hoping she didn't know about last night since she hadn't brought it up yet. "Yes, I did. It was great."

"You didn't call so we didn't know you were here. Sorry about that. We would have helped with breakfast but I see you two have already taken care of that."

"Would you like some?" Bailey asked behind me. "There's plenty here."

"Thank you Bailey. That would be great." They both sat down. I was surprised my dad hadn't said a word.

I was still reeling over the fact they didn't know about my situation last night but I was happy, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I wouldn't have to go through whatever yelling they would have gave me.

Not knowing what else to do, we were about to leave when my mom said, "if you guys are doing anything else today, go ahead. Just be back here by four because we're celebrating."

"Okay mom, I will."

"Bailey, you and your parents can come too," she added.

"Thank you. I'm sure we'll be here," Bailey smiled at my mom.

"Great, now you girls go have fun." My mom then turned back to her breakfast. My dad was just eating and watching the news now. He wasn't a very talkative person in the morning.

We went back up to my mom and I got dressed in real clothes this time. Bailey did too. She had her own drawer here in my room and I had one at her house too. We practically lived in each others houses so it would have been harder if we didn't have one drawer dedicated to each other to have.

"So now what are we doing?" I asked Bailey as soon as we both were dressed.

"I figured we would just go to the park today since I know how much you love it."

I grinned, "I do."

"Then let's go. We'll also have to make a pit stop somewhere else but it shouldn't take that long."

"Okay," we left and got in Bailey's car. We stopped at the mall again and I groaned at the thought but we went to Barnes and Noble's which I was ecstatic about. Bailey let me pick out two books she bought for me. She disappeared while I looked at them all but was quickly back. She probably knew I would take forever to look at all the books so she went looking around the mall to waste some time. That was our pit stop. Afterward, we went to the park and we just sat down and enjoyed it. We would also walk around and laugh too. We went back home and celebrated after this. My entire family showed up and so did Bailey's. I got many things, a lot for college next year. Today was a much better day. I just couldn't help but shake this feeling like something or someone was watching me the entire day.


Well, I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday but I decided to no longer update on Friday's. I want to update on a different day but I don't know when. I was thinking Saturday's, Monday's, or Tuesdays. What would you prefer? It doesn't matter to me. If you would prefer a different day too, just let me know. I also may update twice a week if I have the time. So which days would you prefer?

Anyways, what did you think of this chapter? It was slow but soon we'll be getting to the good stuff. Also check out THE ALPHA AND HIS SHATTERED HEART by @sarcasticloner099. She has a great start on her story and I encourage you to read it.




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