Chapter 1

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I was an ordinary girl, as normal as anyone could be. I went to school and talked to my best friend. You know how people want to be noticed by other, I'm not that person. I was fine with my best friend. But then some mysterious guy had to show up and notice me. Things got out of whack pretty quickly and I started finding out about things that weren't suppose to exist but did. But mostly it was about me. Everything I thought to be true, especially about myself, was wrong. But let's start at the very beginning.

It was a usual day. I was meeting up with Bailey, my best friend, at school like usual. I was waiting my my locker grabbing my textbooks when the fiery woman came storming up to me and slammed my locker door shut. I turned to her with a raised eyebrow and stared at the 5'7'', golden blonde, hazel eyed beauty. She attracted a lot of attention with her looks and height by others and she was a social butterfly, the exact opposite of me. I would rather just have her in my life and I'm okay with it. She tells me I get a lot of looks by others with my copper blonde hair and aqua blue eyes but I don't believe her. She's just trying to make me feel better and be the best friend she is.

I actually had to stare up at her since she was taller than me by a few inches. Sometimes it was a pain to be short. The only good thing was I could fit into smaller spaces easier. It really does not feel great to be in a crowd surrounded by tall people, it makes me feel a lot shorter than I am and it sucks when I can't reach the top shelf. Small people problems.

"I wasn't done you know," I told her opening my locker back up. I finished grabbing what I needed and she slammed the door again. I jumped, surprised. What has her acting like this today? When I took a closer look at her this time, I noticed the excitement in her eyes.

"Did ya hear?" she burst jumping up and down on the balls of her feet barely containing the excitement racing through her.

I laughed a little at her state and shook my head, "hear what?"

"There's a new kid!" She exclaimed. "I'm going to see if I can set you up with him. It's about time you've gone on a date. You're turning eighteen in a few days and I think you should go on a date to celebrate."

I groaned, "please, Bailey. No. You know I don't want to date, at least not until college."

Bailey pouted but agreed. "Fine. I won't set you up. Now let's hurry up to class so we're not late."

I agreed and turned around to go when I bumped into a wall and everything fell out of my hands. Since when was there a wall here? I never noticed it before. I dropped down to the ground to gather my belongings and glanced up to not find a wall but a person. He dropped down beside me and helped me pick up my things. "Sorry about that, didn't see you."

"It's fine, no worries," I said quickly putting my things back in a pile. "It's my fault. I didn't see you."

"I should have been looking where I was going," his voice was deep which caused shivers to go down my spine. He handed my what he gathered and I quickly took it. "Thanks," I said standing up and looked at him for the first time. What first caught my attention was the deep, dark, ocean blue eyes he had. My breath caught in my chest at the sight of them. I don't know how long it took, but I forced myself to look away and saw he had dark brown hair and a chiseled jaw. Next I saw how well built he was and he was tall. There definitely was no baby features on him. I ventured back to the eyes though, they were mesmerizing and held a twinkle in his eyes. I then saw the edge of his mouth curl up slightly.

"Thank you again," I added quickly, quite embarrassingly, "but I must be going. Don't want to be late for class!" I walked briskly away without turning around even after I think he called out to me. But no one ever does that besides Bailey so it must have been my imagination.

Bailey was watching the exchange the entire time with amusement however. She had to ran to catch up to me when I left since I was walking fast. "Oh," she added with a smile, "and did I forget to mention that he's hot?"

"Wait," I slowed down almost to a stop and quickly glanced behind me back at the guy, "that's the new kid?" I never would have imagined him as the new kid. He really was hot. How can someone look like that? "And yes, you did."

I squeaked when I saw him coming in our direction. I grabbed Bailey's hand quickly with more force than needed and dragged her into the classroom just as the bell rang. I let out a sigh in relief. We made it just on time and away from the god-like looking guy.

I dragged Bailey back to our usual seats and sat down, relief running through my body. No one else was sitting beside me, which I was glad for. That meant more space for me and less people to bother me with questions I really didn't feel like answering. "Hey. You okay?" I heard Bailey ask.

I nodded, "Yep. Just peachy."

"If you say so," she added after a moment not being able to decide if I really was or not. Probably sensing I didn't really want to talk right now, she turned away to talk to other people.

I was fine with this. I closed my eyes to help me relax when the door opened. I opened them to see who it was curiously. Jiminy Cricket! It was the new guy! What was he doing here? Don't tell me he was in this class too!

"Ahh, you must be Liam," the teacher stated, "the new kid. Well, you can go ahead and take a seat anywhere you like Liam."

"Thank you," he told our English teacher. There were a few empty desks and many girls swooned at the sight of him. They wanted him to come sit by them, so they tried to draw his attention to themselves but he paid them no attention. Instead, his eyes found mine and he moved to the empty spot next to me.

Girls shot angry looks my way and I buried in my seat. It wasn't my fault he sat next to me! I tried not to draw more attention than I already did because he sat next to me. Oh my! What has happened! Why me? 

The teacher started the class which drew away some of the looks thankfully. I glanced over at Bailey and saw her eyes shining brightly with laughter. She was laughing at my discomfort! How nice.

Everything was going okay after awhile and I was started to relax from my tense state when Liam whispered about halfway through the class. "So, I never got your name."

"That's because I never told it to you," I replied nonchalantly dismissing him. I couldn't get involved with this guy, he was bound to be a heartbreaker. I mean, just look at him! Most guys with his looks mess around with whomever he feels like for awhile. The best thing to do would be ignoring him and hope he gets the hint I want nothing to do with him.

He doesn't though and asks again later, "I'm Liam if you didn't get that at the beginning of class. What's your name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." Usually I would have given somebody my name but there was just something about this guy that didn't make me want to give up my name, like he should work for it.

"Yes, I would," he answered.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I smiled internally at my comeback

"Oh, we're playing a game here I see," I glanced over and saw him smirk. "I like playing games. But there's one thing you should know honey."

I rolled my eyes at the name and asked, "what?"

"I always win."


Yay! Here's the first chapter! What do you think? What's going to happen? I really hope you like it, I want this to be a bit different from others I've written and I hope you like what I have planned! This is going to be amazing. If you liked this please...




P.S. Next chapter will be out soon! Add this to your library so you know when.

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