Chapter 3

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As soon as I got home, I ran up the steps and took a shower. My mind was still consumed of him and his words. And then they drifted off to Bailey. How dare she tell him things about me! I know she wanted to see me happy with someone, but I just wasn't ready myself.

I finished my shower and hopped out, changing into a new pair of clothes. I heard my mom walk in just as I finished and I went down to meet her with Coco following me at my feet.

"Hey mom," I greeted her. "How was your day?"

"Just fine, honey," she answered setting down the grocery sacks she was carrying. "How was yours?"

I shrugged and gave her an honest answer, "could have been better." I usually shared everything with my mom since we were close.

"What happened?" she asked as she put the grocery's away. I helped her while she worked so she didn't have to do everything.

I shrugged to make it look like it was no big deal. "Nothing really. This guy just keeps bugging me."

"A guy?" She raised an eyebrow and I saw a smile creeping up on her face. "I never heard you mention a guy before. What's he like?"

"He keeps annoying me, popping up everywhere, trying to talk, and he watches me. He's a creeper!"

My mom laughed loudly. "Sounds like he has a crush and wants to get to know you to me. I also think you may have a crush on him. How hot is he?"

I groand. "Ugh, not you too mom!  Bailey keeps saying the same thing. Plus he's not five. That's what little kids act like when they have a crush."

"I think Bailey's right," she said completely ignoring my last statement. "You're getting really worked up over this guy. I think you should give him a chance." We finished with the grocery's and I plopped down in a chair in the kitchen, letting out a groan once more.

"Now you're both ganging up on me. I thought mothers were suppose to take their daughters side, not their best friends!"

"We are, unless it comes to something like this or something else we should get involved in." She sat down gracefully across from me.

"I'm going to my room. You're not helping at all."

I just heard my mom laugh behind me when I stood up and left. I picked up Coco on the way and held her close to me all the way there.

I put her down on my bed and sat beside her as I grabbed my phone and texted Bailey.

You traitor.

Her reply came fast. I don't know what you're talking about.😁

You talked to Liam!

This time she didn't reply as quickly. So what if I did?

He knows things! And I don't even know what he knows!

It's alright, I didn't tell him much.

You told him my birthday.

He asked so I answered.

Why would he do that? I wondered why anyone would do this when it's somebody they barely knew. It was a bizarre thing to ask anyone that if you barely knew them.

I have no idea. Ask him yourself. I have his number for you :)

I know. He told me.

Ooo.... when did you speak to him today? ;)

While I was running. I admitted. He just started running with me. I couldn't shake him.

Lol Well, anyways, got to go. Mom's calling me down.

K, see ya tomorrow. I texted in reply.


I sighed and grabbed Coco, pulling her on top of me as I laid down on the bed. "Oh Coco, why does everyone seem to be against me right now?"

All she did was meow and curl up on my chest. I sighed once more and started petting her. Life was to difficult t right now and I didn't want to think about anything.

To pass time, I decided to read a book. I grabbed my book I left on the bed beside me and continued reading it. I couldn't focus on it however, it was too difficult. Too much was going through my mind. I could forgive Bailey for doing what she did, that didn't mean however I wasn't mad at her, because I was.

Not long later I heard mom call me down the stairs for dinner. I sat my book down and moved Coco off of my legs which was where she had moved during the time.

When I got down there, I realized my dad wasn't home quite yet so mom and I took our dinner to the living room. We sat on the couch and looked for a movie to watch. We did this a lot, it was our bonding time.

Dad came in not long after the movie was done. Which I was kind of happy for because he would have made fun of the movie as soon as he saw it. He wasn't into all the romance movies at all. My mom didn't like what he watched either, the violent or old western films. Me, I liked both but not when my dad made fun of the movies we watched. Somehow though he wouldn't mind Disney, Pixar, or Dreamworks. He would watch them with us and laugh. I even saw him deliberately get on Netflix to watch Moana. Of course he made fun of it to hide how much he enjoyed it but at least he liked it.

I was happy he was home now though. He worked late.

"So, what did you eat?" he asked as soon as he walked in. "I'm hungry."

My mom gave a small laughed and answered, "porkchops. They're on the stove waiting for you."

He walked to the kitchen and called out, "thanks honey!"

I smiled, stood up and stretched. "Well I'm going to go to bed. It's getting late."

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Love ya!"

"Love ya too!" I replied and took my dishes to the sink. I rinsed thrm and put them in the dishwasher before running up to my room.

I fell onto my bed and closed my eyes after I was ready for bed. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.


Hey guys! Here's chapter three! I hope to be updating every Friday now though I may update on Saturday next week. Idk, depends when I get home from State. Otherwise tell me what you think and Happy Thanksgiving!




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