Chapter 24

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After awhile I started getting the hang of it and learned many different scents that went along with species. Some of course were easy to tell what they were just by looking at them but others not so much. But I did start getting hungry so Liam let me go in a diner across the street from where we were sitting at while he left for a moment to go take care of some business. What business I had no idea but it also wasn't my place to pry.

Before he left however he said to order whatever I wanted and told the waitress to put it on his bill which she did after he gave her a look. Honestly, that look was confusing but I just shrugged it off. It couldn't be anything bad, right?

I looked at the menu and my stomach rumbled for everything. The menu was also kind of funny, there were regular size meals listed but right next to it you could order the same thing but in a bigger size. I've never seen that before on a menu but I guess it made sense in this world having shifters and others eating a lot. I eventually ordered the fried chicken, not parts of a chicken, but a whole chicken. I just licked my lips in anticipation while I sat at the counter.

The waitress Liam asked to put everything on his bill handed me a water. I waited for her to leave but she never did so I looked up with a confused look. "What? What is it?"

The girl looked started, she looked to be barely older than I was and had brown hair with matching brown eyes. From the smell of earth and moon, which I didn't know moon had a smell until Liam explained to me what the smell was, she was a werewolf. "Oh nothing," she answered quickly. "It's just I've never seen you here before and I have a good memory on faces. I'm Sally." 

She held out her hand and after a surprised pause from me I shook her hand in return. "I'm Skylar," I replied politely with a smile.

Sally beamed back at me. "Well, it's very nice to meet you Skylar. So what brings you here?"

"I'm just really hungry," I answered truthfully.

Sally laughed lightly, "no, I don't mean to this diner, I mean to Aelcrest. What was the cause of you coming here?"

My smile instantly died and my mood soured just from the thought of the reason of why I was here. "Some hunter wanted me dead because of what I am and killed my parents in a car crash because I was there too."

Sally's face dropped also. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." She patted my hand lightly as if trying to give me comfort. It only helped slightly. "That's really hard, losing a parent is the worst. I know because it's happened to me too. Both of my parents were killed in a rouge attack before I came here." She then gripped my hand and I could feel her pain too. I gripped it right back. 

When just stayed frozen, gripping each others hands and taking the comfort of one another. Slowly my grip loosened and so did hers until she finally disappeared. She was gone for only less than thirty seconds and when she returned chicken sat in front of me. Sure there were sides but I didn't pay any attention to those, the only thing that mattered was the chicken. I glanced at Sally for only a moment and she smiled at me. "Order up." With that I started digging in, my stomach rumbling just at the sight and smell.

Damn, this was some good chicken. Probably some of the best I ever had, even the white meat was good and I never particularly cared for white meat. The juices just flowed through my mouth and I had to close my eyes to savor it at first until  I started wolfing it down.

It wasn't until I was about three fourths of the way through the chicken that I started slowing down on my eating. I took a gulp of water and then continued on but slow enough to have a conversation with Sally again.

"So how did you get here?" I knew she knew what I meant, how did she arrive in Aelcrest, not why.

"Well, you know what happened with my parents. I ran away from my pack because I couldn't handle everyone's pity looks so I became a rouge. One of the people who work for the k- ah Liam, brought me here and I was welcomed like many others. Soon enough I was given a job here and I've been here ever since. How did you get here?"

"Liam brought me here. I honestly never thought something like the paranormal existed until it was too late. I've been learning about this world for the past several weeks and I feel like I'm just starting to catch on to everything. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all."

Sally agreed, "yeah, I guess it could be a bit confusing and overwhelming if you never grew up in the world, but now you're in the perfect place to learn. Everything you could ever imagine learning about us is here. All information is first hand because all of us live in peace. If we didn't, we would be kicked out and have to fend for ourselves. Nobody wants to go back to the life they had before we came here and be hunted down."

I agreed with Sally, even though I loved my old life, I wouldn't go back. I wish my parents were still alive of course but I was happy to be living and learning in this world.

Sally continued, "I guess we're lucky King Liam found us and let us live here bec-"

"Wait, what! Did you just say king?" The diner quieted down at my outburst and I turned around and glared at them all. I must have looked scary because they all instantly started chatting again. I turned around and stared at Sally.

She winced and a guilty look crossed over her face. "No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did, liar! I heard you! I thought Liam was like the Alpha around here because he founded the place. I didn't think he was king though."

She sighed as if giving in, "he is Alpha, of a sort, just the ruler of everyone and not of a certain pack He's Alpha King actually. He never wanted the title but the people appointed him to be king. After awhile it got so overwhelming he couldn't refuse anymore. It was the people's way of showing their gratitude and they still show it every day. He is a great person and ruler."

I grumbled, "yeah, sure." I said this sarcastically but it wasn't because he wasn't a great ruler, I knew he probably was, it was because he didn't tell me the truth. Of course he left out something important I should know, or would at least like to know.

I finished the rest of my plate even though I wasn't hungry anymore. I wasn't one to leave food left on a plate anyways. Sally took my plate away and said, "don't look now but look who just walked in."

"You know, that's a very contradictory line. If I'm not suppose to look, why tell me to look?" I turned my head anyways and saw the one and only Liam. Instantly I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow in accusingly while leaning back against the counter.

He advanced toward me when he saw me but then stopped when he was halfway across because of the look on my face. Slowly he approached with caution and stopped five feet away. "What is it? What did I do?"

I looked at my nails, taking my time with this and looking like a calm mad, which I was. I kept at it until he actually tensed up sensing danger. Casually I said, "why didn't you tell me you were Alpha King?"

His only response was, "crap."

He opened his mouth to try and defend himself most likely but was interrupted by a howl. "King Liam!" someone yelled, "hurry! There's trouble at the boarder!"


Yay! Here's the next chapter! What do you think? Was this a little bit surprising at all or did anyone think this would happen at all? I hope you enjoyed it! There is a whole lot more to come!




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