Chapter 44

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What was I going to say? I didn't prepare myself well enough for this before agreeing to meet them. I should have gave myself more time but that didn't matter now because they were on the other side of this door.

I had asked Liam to call them to our room. It gave me a little bit of time to gather my thoughts but my brain was so scattered it didn't help much. Would I just end up spewing what I already said? I hope not. And I had so many questions but also didn't know where to start but I needed to rip this thing off like a band-aid so I could move on.

A hand came to rest on my shoulder and my nerves almost instantly calmed. I closed my eyes and took slow, deep breaths and leaned back into the being. "It'll be okay," Liam spoke reassuringly, "you'll see."

"But how do you know they're not lying about being my real parents?"

"I just do, it's a feeling I have through you. I can feel the connection you have with them and it's not fake. It's just not something you can make up."

"Okay," I replied and stood up straight. I was going to go in this strong and not show just how nervous I really was. I went from orphan to having a whole family I didn't know about in such a short time span it was a lot to take in. But fake it till you make sounds very relevant right now.

"Let's do this," I said and before I lost my nerve, opened the door to the living space to find my parents standing in the middle of the room by the couches in what looks like awe. When the doors opened though their attention snapped to me. They took a step toward me and I froze. I turned back to Liam and asked, "could you stay? I'll call you if I need you." This was something I had to do on my own.

"Of course," he agreed and kissed my forehead, "I'll be right in the other room." He then walked back and shut the doors to the bedroom behind him.

"I know you must have a lot of questions," William said, "and we will be happy to answer them all."

"Should we take a seat?" Hannah added.

I agreed, "yeah, that sounds good." At least I'll already be sitting if my legs give out from shock. I moved toward the one person chair while they sat on the couch. We sat down and a silence overcame. Well, this didn't just make it more awkward at all.

"So," Hannah said folding her hands in her lap, "what do you want to know first?"

An explosion of questions came to mind but the first one that came out like every abandoned child was, "why did you leave me?"

Their faces dropped and they looked at each other. William wrapped an arm around his mate as he looked at me and answered, "we didn't want to, believe me, but we had no choice in the matter."

"When you were two, we were running from people. There were different than normal hunters because they didn't want to kill us, they just wanted to capture us. We knew we couldn't allow them to get you either so we made the hardest decision ever and had to give you up," he continued.

"It was hard giving you to an orphanage and telling them your parents died," Hannah added, "you were kicking and screaming the whole time trying to come with us. But we left and watched you from afar to make sure you got placed in a good family and you did. We are so forever thankful for them. Living in the human world as a human was able to keep your owatt side a secret longer and nobody knew to come after you."

"And what about those hunters?" I asked. "What happened?" I couldn't help but let a few tears fall throughout their story.

"They captured us almost a year later," Hannah said. "They shot darts at us in one of the few rare moments we thought we were safe that paralyzed us. We thought for sure we were going to die now but they put us in the back of a truck and took us to some sort of lab."

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