Chapter 48

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Green eyes.

That's all I had to go on. What supernatural creature's eyes glowed green?

There's a number of possibilities honestly, it could be a whole range of different types of creatures. There were also species that had different colors of glowing eyes that could be different. Like lions could have green, gold, or blue. Myself I know I have gold and purple, I'm not even sure if there's more for me. Warlocks can also have many different colors as well as many other species. Unfortunately, the green can't be contained to a few types so it didn't really narrow down our options.

"Your highness!" My door burst open with a bang to my new study and I looked up startled. Coco hissed in disturbance from her place on my desk and bolted out the door down to the bedroom most likely. Coco hadn't taken a liking to all these new changes but she's adjusted just fine. She's at least been a constant in my life I can always fall back on in comfort. "Someone's been caught. You must come right away!" The person who opened the door was some random girl I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet with blazing red hair and blue eyes.

I sprang out of my seat and ran after the girl without another thought. It took only mere minutes to reach the corridor where two guards were struggling to hold down a man in his early twenties. He had dirty blond hair and unnatural glowing gold and green eyes. "We caught this man before he killed someone, your highness," the guard on the left said twisting the guy's arm behind the back. 

The guy cackled loudly and spoke in a voice that wasn't his own. "You think you can catch me that easily? Think again. You may have stopped me this time but next time you won't be so lucky."

The man deflated before our eyes like the person had left his body and a toll had been taken on him from having been possessed or controlled. His eyes had also changed back to their natural brown color. All the fight that had been in the man was gone in an instant. I looked at the guards, "take him to the hospital but keep an eye on him. He should be safe but you never know." They bowed and dragged the man to the hospital wing.

I sighed and turned to go when I smelt something awful that I hadn't noticed before. Cinnamon. Cinnamon was always good but this seemed to be an overwhelming amount, or it had a tang to it that made it smell foul. Now that I think of it, there had been the smell of bad cinnamon at the other sites as well, this one just stood out.

"He's leaving traces," I murmured out loud. It was another clue to go on. Just one more step in the right direction. This I could use, I could sniff out anyone who might have this scent on them. I informed Liam about this through our mind link and he answered, "I'll let others know right away. Great detective work sweetheart."

I was buzzing with new refound energy on finding this killer when there was a scream at the end of the corridor. I raced down the hall and came upon a scene I never thought I would see. There was a girl who couldn't have been more than six years old holding a knife with blood on her hands. She was staring down at a bleeding woman who looked like could be her grandmother. She was slumped down against the wall staring at the girl with a look of horror. "Sarah, honey, what are you doing? Put the knife down sweetheart."

Again the smell of cinnamon filled the air, now that I've noticed it, I couldn't not smell it. "I'm just painting grandma. This is some really good coloring." 

The girl made a move toward her grandmother again, who also wasn't really too hurt at the moment, just more in shock, but before she could reach her, I snapped the knife out of the girl's hand, threw it away, and dragged Sarah kicking and screaming away from her grandmother. I mind linked some other guards to take the grandmother to the hospital. "You'll be okay, we will get this fixed. We'll get Sarah back to her normal self."

The instant I said this, the girl also went limp in my arms. Her eyes went back to their normal color too, showing she was no longer under the control of the madman. The grandma cried and brought her arms slowly to her granddaughter. "Oh, my poor Sarah. I'm so sorry." She kissed her forehead and the guards showed up to take them as well to the hospital at that moment.

"I'm sorry ma'am, did you see anything unusual before Sarah became like this? I must know before you leave while it's still fresh in your mind."

The grandmother shook her head, "no I'm sorry dear. I don't think so." She paused for a minute as something dawned on her. "You know what? There was a man who passed by us a couple of minutes before this happened. He accidentally bumped into Sarah and apologized before continuing on his way."

My spirits lifted even further, could this be the man we have been looking for? Any suspect of a woman could be thrown out the doors right here if it was a confirmed man. "Do you remember what the man looked like at all? Please tell me if you do." I may be acting overly giddy at the thought of possibly nailing this guy but I didn't care. I wanted him taken care of and gone.

It took the grandmother a moment before saying, "I think he had green eyes. I also think some dark brown hair. He was medium built and I'd say about 5'10''. But that's all I can remember, I don't remember any features on his face at all besides the eyes. He was covered up and the hair poked out from underneath his blue hoodie he was wearing so I think that's the hair color I saw. I'm sorry."

"That's okay, that gives me a lot more to go on than I originally had. Thank you very much. Now hurry to the hospital wing and take care of yourselves." The girl was handed to one of the guards and they were also rushed to the hospital.

I could only hope that there would be no more attacks today. And if I hurried, maybe I could possibly catch this guy ahead of me, but he was probably long gone by now in the time that it took for me to talk to the grandmother and the time between he bumped into the girl and started possessing her.

But today has been a successful day even if the guy hasn't been caught, there was a description, the smell, and one more thing I learned: the guy has to touch the victim they will possess if they are going to be able to do what he does, murdering people.





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