Chapter 10

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"An O what?" I exclaimed. I'm pretty sure whatever he just said is not known to anyone in the world.

"An Owatt," Liam grinned, "you know pronounced with an O than a watt like what a light bulb produces."

I rolled my eyes. "I figured that out. So I'm an Owatt. What does that have to do with you and what in the world is an Owatt?" I remembered Bailey saying something about Liam and me about possibly being the same but I'm not quite sure if I heard right.

"I'm also an Owatt. Also an Owatt is a mix between a werewolf and a werecat. Now let's go inside and get more comfortable before I explain more."

I was so caught up absorbing the answered I was finally getting I hadn't even realized Bailey slipped away and was hauling bags and boxes inside the cabin.

I agreed with him and jump out. I was once again struck at the shear sight of the cabin. It truly was gorgeous. It was two stories and of course was a log cabin. There were also many windows, especially where the second story came to a point, those windows were large. There was also a porch on the ground before walling into the door.

I didn't notice before but the air was crisper, cleaner. Some of the best air I ever smelt. And it wasn't because it was cold, the temperature was actually very nice. That was a surprise to me considering it was Maine and it was March. I even believe we were in the northern part of Maine. But it didn't matter. This forest air was the cleanest and best smell ever. I could definitely get use to it.

I tore my gaze away from the house to help bring in boxes or bags. They weren't joking, they really did pack most of my things and stuffed it back here. They were prepared for what was going to happen. I grabbed a couple bags with one hand then I swooped Coco up in my other arm. I then brought everything inside.

I dropped Coco off as soon as we were inside and she ran off to explore.

I actually gave a small laugh at her silliness which I was surprised about because I hadn't felt like laughing or smiling for days now. She at least was still the same. I however was totally different. I somehow knew from now on my life was never going to be the same.

I took a deep breath and faced the inside. If I hadn't held my breath, I surely would have lost it. The place was breath taking.

In the middle of the floor was the living room. The ceiling extended all the way to the top of the second story and all the lights came flooding through the windows. Around most of the living room above was a loft that led to bedrooms I believe or at least more rooms. Underneath the far side of the loft in the cabin was a dinning room with of course a stunning table. In the back was a spectacular kitchen with an island. On the side I was on was a staircase that led to the top floor and there was another room that I had no idea what it was. In the corner on the other side was another closed off room that I believe led to a bathroom.

I shook myself out of my awestruck state and helped to bring everything else in. Good thing was it wasn't all mine, a good portion of it was Bailey's and there were even a couple of things of Liam's. We didn't bring anything to room however, that was to be done later. Right now, they were finally going to answer my questions.

"Okay, sit," I told them pointing to the couch. I had a don't mess with me look on my face which might have been scary because Liam actually followed my orders for once. Bailey just gave me a funny look but sat down also. "Now, you're going to tell me everything I need and want to know or we're going to be here a long time."

Liam just relaxed against the back of the couch and asked, "okay, where do you want to start?"

"From the beginning, what is an Owatt, why am I one, and anything else."

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