Chapter 17

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Over the next two weeks I trained harder and got better every day, but that of course didn't mean I never took breaks when I was allowed, I always took them. I may still not be the best fighter, at least compared to Liam, but I could hold my own against a human and lesser supernatural creatures. I however did not really know why I had to learn how to fight if I was in this world where it was safe. Liam may say so I can protect myself, but I don't see why I need to in a safe world even though I did like learning it. I just didn't like being thrown on my butt all the time.

I also had better control of my abilities even if they weren't one hundred percent. Once my shift happens, whenever that may be, I know I should have complete control, mastering it while a human was difficult but I was in no rush to shift because then I would definitely never be the same again. I could no longer hold on to the last thread of what I once was and that event was coming very soon, how soon I don't know but it should be happening any day now.

I grew more accustom to waking up early but I still hated it. I woke up today the same as usual and headed down for breakfast. Usually I was met with Liam eating breakfast in his work out clothes but today he was eating breakfast in regular clothes. I stared at him confused. "Why are you wearing that? I thought we were training today."

He cast me a glance before gesturing to my plate of food. I looked at it hungrily and quickly moved to it to eat it. Honestly, if he wasn't Liam I would marry the guy because he is a spectacular cook. I could barely cook to save my life besides a few chosen dishes.

"I decided we would take a break today. I know I haven't really been the most reasonable person, or the most likable in your case, so I want to change your opinion on me. So I thought we could spend the day together instead to get to know one another better so you can see I'm not the 'evil insufferable prick' you think I am." He even put his hands in quotes when he said the last part. It's not like it wasn't true after all. I have called him that many times. Sure, he may be much less than that name now when I came up with it at the time but I liked calling him that. That wasn't going to change. I have also exchanged the word prick a few times for a few choice words, but prick is the nicest name I call him.

I rolled my eyes, "sure, whatever you say, but I doubt my opinion will change much on you."

He shrugged, "that's all I ask of you. Now eat up, we got a day full ahead of us."

He didn't have to tell me twice to eat up. I wolfed my plate down of french toast, eggs, and bacon in five minutes and I was good to go.

After I finished we were out the door within ten minutes. The weather had been getting warmer these past few days so it was extremely nice outside. "So what are we doing?" I asked as soon as we were off the porch and walking toward the woods.

"We are just going for a walk if that's alright. And no, there is no trick to leave you in the middle of no where again and make you find your way back. Besides, you can do that no problem by now anyways."

I nodded in agreement smugly, "yes I can. No thanks to you. But that doesn't help your case in me trying to like you need I remind you?"

He shook his head with small chuckle, "of course you don't need to remind of that. How can I forget?"

I shrugged, "you tell me."

He laughed again, "okay, well, I guess I should start off talking a little bit more about me. I know that you know my grandma was the one to scratch out a piece to this parallel universe for all kinds of shifters and other creatures to live peacefully here and not worry about hunters or the Council. But I don't recall if I ever told you about the rest of my family. My dad is alpha of the pack and he is half werewolf half witch. My mother is human and I have a couple of siblings. Obviously they are not my real parents, they found me and took me in when I was six right after hunters killed my real parents. I will forever be grateful for them and I love them very much. Not many other people would have kept me as soon as they realized what I was. It's hard to find people like them."

He smiled as he looked back on fond memories as we continued to walk through the forest. It was really peaceful and beautiful here. "My parents always made sure I was comfortable and safe. They were so worried when I left to help others and find people like us, especially my mother. She was always frantic and checking up on me every chance she could, which was a lot. However, she knows I can take care of myself and calls me less. She still does, all the time even though she knows I am safe in this world from hunters and the council. But that's why I love her and I don't mind."

It was sweet the way he talked about his family, I knew he cared very deeply for them by just the way he spoke of them. I laughed at some of the stories he told about his siblings like one where he tricked his younger sister to go near a skunk nest and no wolf wanted to be around her for the next week because of the lingering stench.

Yea, I guess he really wasn't as bad as a person I thought him to be and I was honestly enjoying his company at the moment but I wasn't going to tell him my opinion changed. He would still be a prick, a cute  annoying one that I was warming up to but still a prick when it came to certain training exercises. 

Something caught my eye mid laugh and I instantly stopped to turn my eye on it. "Hey! What's that?" I asked Liam pointing to some shiny material on some bushes up ahead?

Liam peered at it and shook his head. "They're at it again."

When he didn't expand on his statement, I gave him a pointed look. "Who are at it again?" He couldn't expect me to know what he was talking about.

"The pixies," he laughed, "sometimes they like to paint the bushes or other plants to make them shine. They also like to make this place more magical than it is because they have free roam while on earth they had to limit their magic where no human came across it and suspect anything. Though I do believe if they keep this up, I'm going to have to limit them just a bit on where they can spread their magic because they need to remember to share. This place isn't only for them."

I grinned, "they sound interesting. And you really do have many different creatures here," I commented. I glanced at the bushes undecided before back at him. "Can I get a closer look at them? Or should I not get close to the bushes?" I didn't know if pixies would take offense on that kind of thing or not so I figured it was in my best interest to ask.

"Of course," Liam replied, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, "pixies take pride in their work and love to show it off. They are very friendly but can play a prank sometimes so just watch out."

I heed his warning before walking ahead of him to take a closer look at the bushes and flowers growing off of them. The plants stood out amongst all the other plants around. The colors were lighter and brighter by reflecting the light and gave off a glow that just screamed magic. 

"It's exquisite," I sighed smiling. "The pixies are really great at their work."

"That they are," Liam agreed.

I turned around to face him when I heard a crack thinking he was getting closer but the look on his face disagreed. "Skylar watch out!"

Watch out for what? I stared at him puzzled and the next thing I knew I was knocked off my feet and on my back on the forest floor a few feet from where we were a few moments ago. It took a few moments to recollect myself and see what happened.

A tree fell right where I had been standing. What the hell? Why did a tree fall? Then the bigger thing that also happened what right above me. Liam was on top of me staring down into my face. Well isn't this familiar. I must be experiencing deja vu because I do recall where we in this same predicament earlier while training. Except Liam never stared at me this intensely before while training, or ever.

My breath caught in my chest and I couldn't pull my eyes away from his gorgeous blue ones. They swirled with so much emotion I couldn't pinpoint exactly what he was feeling but I did recognize the moment he came to a decision in his head. I expected him to get up at that moment but he did the opposite. His head leaned down, coming toward mine and I hitched my breath.

Then I screamed.


Here's the next chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! What do you think?




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