Chapter 8

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A complete and sudden stop jerked me off my seat and I hit my head on both seats. First it was the drivers seat and then it ricocheted off to hit my own. The rest of my body banged down onto the ground also. I held a hand to my head. "Ow," I groaned. I was definitely awake now. "What was that for?"

Liam turned around in his seat and replied, "sorry. I didn't want to hit a deer. But it's a good thing you're up. We'll be stopping soon to get something to eat for dinner and then we may stop for the night if it's safe enough. Or we'll keep driving."

When I looked at Bailey after getting up from off the ground, it looked like she was having a hard time trying not to laugh. I shot her a glare and she smiled in return. I turned back to the prick and asked, "safe from what?" I didn't think we would be in any more trouble now that we are far away from home. I jsut wished it was all a dream.

Liam shot me a glare through his mirror reminding me of thr no questions about whatever the hell this was until we get there rule. I thought it was a stupid rule. If it concerned me I had the right to know. He couldn't just leave me out of it! There was no budging with him though. He was stubborn, but I could be stubborn too. I would find out sooner or later.

My stomach rumbled and I decided I would be quiet until we had some food. I would also be able to formulate a plan during this time while I was quiet.

But the quiet didn't help because while it gave me time to think of a plan, it also allowed time for me to think about my parents. I suddenly wasn't hungry and tears silently fell down my face. Coco jumped back into my lap and I held onto her for dear life, almost squeezing her to death.

All I did was hold her and look out the window. My mind kept going circles. It was about my parents death but then it would question the why it happened and who which came back to me forming a plan to get answers. It would then start over again and I was trapped in a loop.

We must have drove another thirty miles before making a stop in a town called Old Forge. Honestly, I had no idea if we were out of state or not but I couldn't bring myself to care.

It was pretty and it looked to be a good size town, one where everyone knew everyone. We stopped at a dinner which believe it or not was called Front Door Dinner. I wasn't even allowed to go in though, which may have been a blessing on this curse because I knew I looked like a mess. It probably was best if I stayed inside the car.

Bailey came out early with drinks in hand.  Since there was no Liam around, I figured this would be a great time to ask her what the hell was going on. If she didn't tell me anything, this all would have been for nothing.

As soon as she settled I started, "so, what's going on? Please tell me. I know something is, especially with the way you two have been arguing these past couple weeks like something was going on. I know you're keeping something from me. What are we even doing here in the first place, shouldn't we have stayed and called the police? I don't get why we had to go."

Bailey sighed and didn't say anything, which was a first for her. I've never seen her speak so little, or not at all. "There are things I want to tell you but I can't. Liam is the one who needs to explain. I will explain things later after he has but you must trust him. He is one of the only few people in this world you can trust.There are things yet you don't understand but it should all be explained tomorrow when we get there."

"Please, just tell me, anything," I begged, "a little something. Can't I have at least a fraction of a hint at what is going on?"

It looked like she wasn't going to say anything until she answered, "fine, but don't say anything about this to Liam. I don't want him knowing I told you something. One thing you should know is about SP. The murderer on the loose. He was targeting you."

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