Chapter 9

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 The land was different, magical. It was so much brighter and life looked like there was... well... more life in it. It was vibrant. Sure, I thought the woods were pretty before we got here but this was beautiful.

Curious, I glanced behind me and saw the gate closing in. Through the gate was where we came from. It was earth like I know it but duller. Was this still earth? When I looked around the gate, it was the same as where we were, bright and beautiful. Where were  we? This couldn't be real.

I turned around again and asked Liam, "where are we?"

"Aelcrest," he answered, "a place for people like you and other supernatural creatures."

"Wait," I held up a hand to stop him from talking. "Supernatural creatures? Those exist? You must be crazy if you think those exist." He really needed help if he did.

The crazy one kept driving while Bailey turned around to face me. "He's not crazy. They really do exist. I'm a werewolf and you and Liam are, well Liam will have to explain that."

"You sucked her into your craziness? You infected her with some disease!" I turned my accusing stare on Liam. "What have you done you prick!" Prick was now a relevant term to use again.

"There is no disease and I was not sucked into any craziness. It's the truth and I can prove it." Bailey said this to me and then focused her attention on the prick. "Ya know, it's always like this with people who don't believe or know about our world. We always have to prove it."

"True, but understandable," he added. "You can't fault mortals for their short comings. Besides, it's better this way. Who knows what chaos this world would be in if they knew. It's best if they keep to their fantasy's."


"Wait." I stopped their conversation. "So you actually believe this? It's not a joke?"

"No it's not a joke, it's real." Liam answered.

They were delusional and I couldn't wait to see them try to prove it and fail.

"So what do you think?" Liam asked Bailey. "Should we take her to the city or somewhere more secluded?"

"I'm right here you know," trying to draw attention to myself and making sure they knew I wasn't just some object or something they could talk about and/or ignore like I wasn't there.

They however kept on talking. Bailey replied, "I think the city would be to much of a shock for her so probably somewhere more secluded until she's ready."

"I'm still here and I can make up my own mind. I can decide what is good for me or not. Now can we get back to you believing you're a werewolf? Because that's just crazy talk." Well this was not what I was expecting when they finally started talking, they needed help.

Liam veered off to the left when when came to a fork in the road. The dirt road had now turned into a gravel road. I looked after the other road curiously wondering where it would lead.

"For this you don't get to decide and it would be a good idea for you to catch up on some things before you met the townsfolk." The prick said finally acknowledging my existence.

"And whose fault is it that I don't know anything?" I pointed out.

Bailey snorted and covered her mouth trying to keep in her laugh. She wasn't very good at it. Liam shot her a glare and she her hands up in surrender. "Sorry, but she's got you there. You didn't want to tell her anything so she knows nothing."

I imagined him rolling his eyes. "We both know it was the best thing for her to protect her from SP. If she didn't know, he might have second guessed. But somehow he knew for sure." He responded.

Honestly it was confusing trying to follow their conversation because it kept skipping everywhere. And to think only an hour ago they would not speak about anything and now that we're here they were speaking freely and I just didn't understand. That was the worse thing, not knowing what was going on when everyone else does.

"I'm sorry. Rewind. We still haven't talked about you thinking you're a werewolf Bailey and why is SP after me?"

"I really think we should show her now," Bailey said to Liam.

He sighed, "fine. Even though we are only a few minutes from the house I agree with you." He pulled over to the side of the road and turned around staring at me. "We'll show you we're not crazy."

Liam said this as Bailey climbed out of the car with a backpack in her hands. What in the world was that before? I started getting out of the car to follow until she took off her shirt and jeans right there. "Whoa!" I exclaimed holding up my hands stopping her, "what in the world are you doing that for? Put your clothes back on!"

She shook her and replied, "nope. You wanted proof. I'm going to give you proof."

"But this is crazy! Werewolves don't exist!"

Bailey only gave me a ferocious smile, one I never seen before and it seemed her eyes might have changed color but that was crazy. Then, before my eyes I heard cracking and I saw fur growing out of her skin. This couldn't be real. It had to be a trick because before me stood a brown wolf. I let out a squeak and said, "well, I stand corrected."  I stood there stunned against car to not knowing what else to do or what to say. They were really real. Bailey just turned into one right before my eyes. She looked like an actual wolf, not like the ones that are ugly with no fur. Her brown fur was really pretty.

I watched as she picked up her open backpack in her mouth and went behind a tree. A few moments later she emerged wearing clothing holding the bag in one hand. She smiled at me and said, "see? We're not crazy. Now let's get going again!"

My head nodded of its own accord and my body got back in the car. I snapped out of my daze a few moments later once the car was moving again.

"So werewolves really exist. I take this that other things exist too. But this still doesn't explain what any of this has to do with me. Why am I here and why is SP after me?"

"Because," Liam answered after he parked in front of a gorgeous cabin in the middle of the woods and turned around to face me, "you're an Owatt."


Here's the next chapter. A day late but what do you think? Something different than before but for knew readers, and my old loyal ones, everything will be explained. Now, I have a question for you. Do you like spelling Owat or Owatt better? I haven't been able to decide yet and would like your help. But what do you think is going to happen?




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