Chapter 51

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"So, who is close to us that we cannot trust?" This is the question that we have been batting back and forth between us all morning but we still haven't come up with an answer.

"It must be someone that has come through the barrier recently," Liam commented thoughtfully. "It has to be someone since Earth found out that we exist. It can't be anyone before that because there was no trouble before everyone started coming." He paused for a moment, trying to consider his options. "However, there are too many people that it could possibly be, so it must be someone we know personally, could even be an inner circle."

"Well it can't be any of us or close family members," Bailey chimed in. I had asked her here to help us try and solve this problem. I knew she was one person I could trust with my life. But what she said next made my blood boil a little. "Now sweetie, I know you just gained your parents and siblings, but we shouldn't tell them anything just in case. I don't believe they are with the killer at all, but they did come in after we opened the gate. Someone could have some type of influence on any of them."

What she said did make sense but I didn't want to believe it. But for the sake of this investigation, I would put it on the table and follow her advice but that doesn't mean I believe they have anything to do with it.

"I won't even tell my mate anything about this," Bailey said, "I don't believe Josh has anything to do with this either, I would feel it, but just to be fair, I won't say anything either, not unless you guys want me too."

Liam considered this and responded, "not quite yet. You're right, we shouldn't talk about this with just anyone. I think we should keep this between us and my parents, you know, considering they helped create this world and would never, ever, do anything to compromise me or our family."

"That was never in question honey," I reassured him. "Your parents were never going to be on the suspect list. I mean, they, and your grandma, created this world to protect you and others. Plus, they were here before Earth found out anyways." I leaned my head and rubbed his back comfortingly while we sat at the table in our chambers. It sent a pain through me that I couldn't even trust my own parents but I didn't know them that well. As Bailey pointed out, they arrived afterward so who knows what type of influence someone could have on them?

He kissed my forehead feeling my pain. "I'm sorry, honey. I'm sure your parents and sister aren't involved but we can't take any chances."

"I know, it's okay." I tried to think of other people we could possibly trust. "What about any of the advisors? Should we tell any of the original ones or not?"

"No," Liam and Bailey both said simultaneously. They looked at each other and Liam added, "I don't know if they could keep their mouth shut from telling someone else. They might accidentally give vital information to the wrong person."

I agreed, that made sense. They may feel like they could trust someone they shouldn't, which is why we are in this mess to begin with. The fewer people who knew, the better.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and I felt like such an idiot for not thinking of it before. I may not remember too much of what happened before I met Liam, but there was a way we might be able to figure it out. "Are there any cameras in the castle that we could look at to see what happened?"

Liam stared dumbfounded like he couldn't believe he didn't think about that before. "Yes. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

Bailey stood up as well. "I can't believe we didn't think about that before. We could have saved a lot of time this morning if that was something we thought of right away."

I shrugged but was relieved we had a plan to move forward with. Maybe this one will actually lead us somewhere. Liam pulled me out of the room and we hurried down the hall with Bailey following right behind us. When we passed by anyone in the hall, we slowed down and walked next to each other like nothing was wrong. It wouldn't be odd to see the three of us moving around the castle with each other.

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