Chapter 18

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Every single molecule in my body felt like it was on fire. My back arched highly and I pressed up against Liam. He jumped back like he was on fire so he wasn't touching me which only caused me to scream more. It felt like needles and knives were added to the mix. But I did realize it hurt a hell of a lot worse if Liam wasn't touching me.

I withered on the ground and blood pounded in my ears. I think I heard Liam say crap at some point? I don't know nor did I dwell on it for very long because the fire in my veins and the cracks of my own body drew my attention.

"Liam!" I screeched when my back cracked in half and I was bent at an unnatural angle. I was left paralyzed but another crack on my back took care of that. My arms and legs did the same thing. All my bones would crack and return back to where they were or they would form to a completely new part in my body.

A sound came from Liam and the next thing I knew he dropped behind me and took a hold of my arms. Some of the pain faded but not much. I was however able to make out what he was saying. "I can't be here for long but I can take some of the pain away for a little bit. I'm really sorry."

I still screamed and twisted but it was toward him instead of away because he took the pain away. That was all I cared about. He never let me move far though and I opened my eyes to yell at them since I had squeezed them shut because of the pain and saw his eyes instead. they were glowing gold and I was instantly soothed by his eyes. My eyes must have been gold too because I saw the reflection in his eyes.

His eyes had a weird affect, his eyes and his touch made me feel better. I didn't mind though, it definitely wasn't the worst thing in the world to be staring into his eyes and touching him. His eyes however started to change. The gold color swirled a bit and I wanted to know what was happening to his eyes when I was once again interrupted with a break in my body.

Liam jumped back, no longer able to soothe me with his touch I guess and I suffered the needles. This felt like it went on forever and I really wanted it to be over. The same amount of pain being inflicted on me stayed steady for what I was for sure hours. My bones continued to snap and bed and I swear hair or fur grew out of my arms and shrunk back in again. I wasn't lucky though because it got worse toward the end. It was easily ten times worse. Think of the worse pain possible and take it times a hundred, that's how bad it was.

It spiked and lasted another hour before the pain slowly dispersed and I laid there on the ground not moving besides the rise and fall of my chest. I didn't dare open my eyes a bit scared to face my new reality and thoroughly exhausted.

But then I felt something running through my new fur and I involuntarily started purring. Oh man it fell soooo good! Especially after the excruciating pain. It cleared my exhaustion right up. I rolled toward the source but it disappeared. Confused I opened my eyes for the first time but was met with a creature springing on top of me and not letting me go.

I wasn't scared, in fact I was soothed, I knew exactly who this was even if the creature above me was never seen before. I knew this had to be what an Owatt looked like. It was one of the most gorgeous animals I have ever seen strangely enough. The body was built muscular yet it was also lean for better endurance and faster traveling. Large paws with sharp claws at the end I knew would never hurt me and when I looked at the face I saw recognizable golden eyes with blue flecks and deadly teeth and fur that matched the color of his hair.

He bent his head down and started licking my face for some reason I quite enjoyed, I believed it was the animal side of me more in control right now even though I was still my own person. I guess I'm still me but more animal if that makes sense? I don't have a completely different voice or whatever in me that could take control like werewolves do.

I licked his face in return and a rumble escaped his throat. He moved further down to my neck and the animal in me absolutely enjoyed it but I was in a playful mood now so I nipped at him and pushed my hind legs into his stomach throwing him off of me. He was caught off guard so I was easily able to throw him a few feet away. I then jumped up and started running in the opposite direction.

It was dark outside, showing the entire day has past but I could see completely fine. I was a blur in the trees as I raced away from Liam taking advantage of my head start. However it wasn't long before I heard him behind me even though he was very quiet running through the forest. It was just the very smallest of noises I heard but I still heard them.

I felt him gaining on me so I pushed myself faster and I weaved through the trees breaking up the straight path I was traveling. I looked everywhere for a place to hide but I wasn't seeing one. He was getting closer, I knew it. Finally I spotted a place to hide, it was a groove between the roots of a tree forming a little cave. I went to dive for it but just then I felt his breath on my back and the next thing I knew I was tumbling on the ground with him on top of me.

I let out a surprised yelp at the impact and when we finally stopped rolling I let out a humph. I stared up at him, or more liked glared because I had wanted to escape him. He just let out some kind of laugh I didn't know was possible and jumped off of me. I quickly scrambled up and crouched low to the ground facing him ready to pounce at any moment.

He copied me and I wiggled my haunches playfully. We started circling each other slowly until I sprung at him. I caught him at the shoulder and we rolled until I jumped away again. We continued on for awhile before fatigue hit me. One moment I was as playful as a cat the next I was dragging like a sloth.

Liam noticed this and ushered me toward the small cave between the roots I saw. I understood what he meant and I agreed. There was no way I was going to run back probably miles to the house tonight. Honestly fatigue hit me so hard like a bag of bricks I could barely make it to the cave, Liam had to help me there a bit. Once I was there though I curled up in a vall and Liam squeezed in behind me. We just barely managed to fit. His body covered half of mine, it was the only way we were able to fit but I didn't care. I was soon then out like a light.


Here's the next chapter! I swear every time I was writing I fell asleep or drifted off because I was so tired to begin with but that's the only time I actually have available for me to write. Anyways, I hope I am able to update again sometime in these next to weeks but I'll be really busy because I have graduation next weekend so I hope I have the time. As of now, bothering me to tell me to write and wanting more is the best way for me to hurry up and write the next chapter because I know you guys want to read it:) I'm opposite of most authors that way I guess. Haha, anyways, what do you think? What going to happen?




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