Chapter 26

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"So what am I helping with?" I asked coxing him since he didn't elaborate what I was suppose to be helping him with while following him through the crowd. Seriously, there must have been two hundred or more people. There were so many!

"You're going to help me welcome the new members Aelcrest after they have been processed and screened." We finally emerged through the crowd who may have parted for us as we came through but quickly merged back into one group behind us.

"And how am I suppose to do that?" I asked when he didn't elaborate again, "am I just suppose to say welcome to Aelcrest, enjoy your time here, you're safe?" I thought I could be doing something else much more useful than this.

"Precisely," Liam answered while we headed for the gate, "or something like that. We will welcome them as I said but they will be given further instruction after they cross over."

I nodded taking it in as we approached the gate and he told me to stand on one side while he stood on the other.  After we were in our spots we stood in silence.

I was still outraged and felt betrayed by him but the silence was driving me crazy so even though I would rather not speak to him I couldn't help but ask about five minutes later, "why am I doing this? Why not something else?" It would be so much easier to ignore him if he wasn't the only being I could talk to at the moment.

Liam's face turned a shade red which was new as he answered, "well, like my mother said you're my true mate. So because of that it would be good for these people to be welcomed by their new leaders. It would put them more at ease and make it feel like maybe they really do have a place here after all the heartache they have been through."

I guess I could understand that but... "I am no leader. There is no way I could lead something like a kingdom or whole other world like you do. That is not for me."

"You are a leader, I see it even if you don't. I have even witnessed it in action even if you think that is not something a leader would do. You are a leader Skylar and I believe you can rule with me by my side."

Finally I asked the question I've been dying to ask since I found out. "How long have you known? About us being true mates I mean." I rocked sighed to sighed not knowing what I should want or expect the answer to be but I was nervous all the same.

He sighed, "I've known from the moment we met. I-"

"Wait, what!" I yelled but I realized this was too loud and may attract attention so I lowered my voice. "And you never even bothered to mention this?"

"I will if you let me explain," Liam answered. I opened my mouth to argue but he held up a hand shutting me up instantly.

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