Chapter 55

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I had an idea of where Carson might be. But this wasn't information I was going to divulge to everyone else. After the hours we spent trying to figure out were he was, I had a feeling I knew were he would be, just like the assassin said. I just had to follow the pull that was guiding me there, but I couldn't let anyone know. He wanted me, and only me. I wasn't going to put anyone else at risk. Who knows what he would do to Carson if I didn't follow his orders. I just needed to get away, at the right time with no suspicion.

A day passed. I was trying my best to avoid my parents in the mean time, I couldn't give them the answers they needed. And besides, it was all my fault he was taken. If Carson wasn't family, the assassin wouldn't have gone after him. If he wasn't my brother, he would have been safe and with his parents, instead he's in another hell hole because of me. I couldn't face my parents and their blame, I needed to get Carson back.

I shut my feelings and thoughts out from Liam. I wasn't going to let him in and know what I was planning on doing. He didn't seem think anything of it though because he never gave me a weird look wondering why I closed myself off from him. He probably thought there was so much going through my head that I didn't want anything else interfering while trying to sort it out. Which was true, I would have probably done this anyways if I wasn't planning on leaving.

I was pacing inside the meeting room and thought of a way to escape. It was a good of an excuse as any. "I need to get some air and clear my head," I announced to the room. Most of them waved me off, thinking that was probably a good idea anyways because my pacing was starting to agitate a few of them. Some actually sighed in relief but I didn't care who. Liam however said, "take some of the guards with you."

I glared at him, not needing to be babysat but I knew it was for his own peace of mind. I also knew it would make escaping just a bit harder, but I could easily shake them off. "Fine, whatever it takes to get me thinking straight."

Liam sighed and strode over to pull me to him in a hug. "I love you, you know. I just want you to be safe."

I sighed, relaxing in his arms a bit, savoring this moment because who knew when the next moment was? "I love you too. And I know. But I did have a great teacher who taught me how to fight."

A smile tugged at his lips, "yeah, he was pretty great, wasn't he?"

I kissed him, the kiss slow and savory. But I forced myself to pull away and act like nothing was wrong. I gave him a small smile. "I'll be back." Liar, liar liar. You wouldn't be back, at least not right away. I would do my best to keep this promise though. I would be back as soon as I can, but with my brother.

I stepped back and forced my feet to walk toward the door. As soon as I left the room, a couple guards fell into step behind me. They were waiting, no doubt from Liam's command.

The easily fell into step behind me. It was an effort to keep my breath and heart steady to not give anything anyway. I forced my body to relax and to not take too hurried footsteps. All I could hear though was my heart in my ears as my mind echoed liar, liar, liar. But Carson was worth it. I would do anything I had to.

We reached the garden doors which opened as we approached. My heart started beating a bit faster so I forced myself to take another breath. I looked back at my two shadows and commented, "you know, you don't have to follow me so closely. You can take a few steps back. I'm sure you'll be able to reach me in time if there happens to be any trouble."

I didn't wait to see if they would follow my suggestion before heading through the doors. They had been about 5 paces behind and I took about 15 before I heard their feet moving again. I smiled, I could work with 20 paces. That should give me plenty of time, besides, they weren't as fast as me. Most normal people wouldn't have been able to outrun them but I certainly could.

I made a lap around the garden, and then another pretending I was letting the outside fresh air relax me but I was really assessing the best escape route. After the first lap, my guards slightly relaxed and they definitely did after the second. They were still on alert I could tell, but from outside forces, expecting nothing from me.

This was my chance. I continued on at my same meandering pace. I was close to the spot I had marked earlier on the walk. It was a part of the wall the bordered the outside world. So it was at the edge of the grounds. I started readying myself as it came into view. The wall was about twelve feet high and the spot had vines growing up it. They looked sturdy enough if I couldn't reach the top of the wall so I could grip onto them and pull myself up.

My heart started beating faster and about twenty feet away, I dashed for it. I threw myself into that little sprint and focused my energy into my legs as I leaped.... and cleared the wall.

I rolled when my legs hit the ground and I smiled standing up glancing back at the wall. There shouts from the guards but I didn't waste anymore time to see what happened and sprinted in the direction I knew my brother would be.


Sorry for the long wait, but here's the next update. Enjoy!




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