Chapter 47

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Henry was adorable and meeting my new nephew that belonged to my new sister was exhilarating and had me in a nervous wreck at the same time. I almost didn't want to hold him because I was uncomfortable but Rebecca encouraged me it was alright if I did so I did. It's different holding a little baby in your arms, they are so adorable, cute, cute, and cuddly. It made the mother and animal side of me want a baby now but the logical and human side of me knew I wasn't ready. I was too young and had a lot more to deal with than thinking about having babies of my own now. A few years from now wouldn't be horrible but with everything going on, now wasn't the time. But if fate turned out it was to be that way, then okay.

Liam suddenly straightened next to me very tense. I gave him a look and asked, "what's wrong?" I placed a hand on his shoulder to see if that would help but it didn't. He usually softened when I touched him so I knew something was definitely out of place if he didn't melt under my touch.

He pulled me to the side and whispered low enough so no other supernatural being could hear, "there's been a murder."

My mind reeled, a murder? On a day like today? It was going so well today and now this. Who was this poor soul and where can I rip the person up responsible for this horrible deed? I growled lowly, "who is it and do they know who did it?"

"Yes, I'll tell you about it on the way, let's go. We're going to meet the people there." Liam started pulling me down the hallway and out of the hospital section out of the castle. The animal inside me was pissed off and ready to murder the guilty charge but the human side was pulling me back, especially from Liam's next line. "There's something odd about it though. The person they caught doesn't remember a thing about it."

"What do you mean?"

"They don't remember doing it."

We made it to the courtyard while I was thinking about it. They don't remember killing someone? How is that possible? There, in the middle of the courtyard was a young, dark-haired girl with bloodied hands, body, and mouth yelling and crying while being restrained. Her head turned and she locked her piercing blue eyes with mine and fell to the ground crying, "it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me! I don't remember doing this! I never would, I promise."

There was something about the way this girl was acting that had me believing her. All around her people were gathered glimpsing at the murder that had occurred. A guard, looking to be in his mid to late twenties was torn up and bloodied with claw marks. He also had bite marks throughout his body but what looked like to be the real killer was his throat and heart ripped out. It was an awful sight to see and definitely not something children to be around for. Her appearance said one thing, and the scent all over her said that she had done it, but the reactions in her eyes, body, and heartbeat indicated she was just as terrified and horrified at what had happened.

I took charge from there and asked her softly, "it's okay, it's okay, can you tell me what happened? What's your name?"

She answered quietly, "Genevieve. And I don't know what happened. All I remember is I was walking downtown back toward home and the next thing I knew, I woke up with his heart in my hand while being held down."

The sound of her heartbeat indicated truth. Whatever had happened this girl was telling the truth. I turned to Liam and asked, "she's telling the truth. I know she is, so what happened?"

Liam looked thoughtful. "I agree with you, I know she did it but she doesn't remember doing it. She didn't seem to be in control of her actions throughout this event. So that brings me to the conclusion that she was either possessed or someone was controlling  her on the outside."

"But why her? And why kill someone?"

"I don't know, but that's something we definitely need to find out." He turned to the other guard holding her down. "Take her inside and get her washed up. Also, please move him to give him a proper funeral and notify his family please."

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