Chapter 50

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"Ah Skylar, now we can talk."

Those words kept ringing in my mind for a few minutes. Did I hallucinate them? Were they real? I sat up slowly and gazed down at my handsome husband sleeping peacefully. I proceeded quickly but very quietly to get out of our makeshift bed, grab my clothes piled in a corner of the tent, and slide them on before sneaking out of the tent. I felt like whatever had just happened, I shouldn't be in the tent to figure it out.

"Good, now that you're alone, this will be easier."

"Who's there?" I called scanning my surroundings. "What do you want?"

"Oh Skylar, it's me, don't you remember me?" The voice sounded hurt and now I could definitely tell it was coming from my head and not some outside voice out here. I could imagine the pouty look on his face when he said this. "I'm hurt. Well, let me give you a reminder. We shared a great time together in the bathroom at a concert, in the mall, in a car wreck, and in an alleyway. Don't you remember?"

My face drained of color and I froze to the spot. If I hadn't been frozen, I would have sunken to the ground. No, it can't be. B- bu- but..... how? How did he get here? I thought I was safe. This shouldn't happen. I should never have to hear or see this man again. In fact, he could have even been dead for all I knew. The horror of what this man said filled my brain as I replayed all the times this person came after me.

I was paralyzed as I saw my mother and father killed before me, someone bending down to look in the car to see if I was dead but running away before they had the chance to. Me, being dragged down the alleyway before Liam saved me. Th- the-...... the green eyes. They were the same, it matched with the killer. The green eyes after me and the green eyes of this murderer. No, they were the same person? But the cinnamon? My face drained, and there was a strong cinnamon scent in the mall. He must have been watching us while we were there. The smell was also there the other times it was just masked better.

"Now, you're probably wondering if I could have been controlling you this whole time or if I've been watching you. Unfortunately no, my reach only extends for a few hours, but I could have gotten a hold of this kingdom a lot sooner if I were able to control you. This was power recently acquired. It's how I got through, by manipulating guards when my test on the outside rang me negative. But it's been pretty easy from there to hide and cause all this mayhem. Quite honestly, it's been amusing watching you guys run around with your head cut off."

My head was pounding and the world around me was becoming a blur. All I could hear was the sound of the heart beating in my ears. I tried to get a grasp of reality and took a few deep breaths. As everything started to become clearer, I asked, "what do you want from me?"

He laughed maliciously in my head, "ha, you think I'm going to tell you? What would be the fun in that? I think I would much rather watch you squeal for a while longer while I kill some more people."

"You're a monster," I whispered.

"I may be a monster, but at least I know who the true monsters are."

Liam, Liam! Wake up! I yelled at Liam through the mind link wanting to tell him all of this information and to get help with on how to deal with this situation. However, I got no response and I figured something was wrong because usually, he would have answered even if he was in a deep sleep. I moved to physically wake him up but was stopped by the voice again, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I froze with one hand on the tent flap. "Why? What did you do to him?"

"Nothing yet, but if you would like some vital information, you will not make another move or get him involved."

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