Chapter 7

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"Skylar! You ready to go?" My mom yelled up the stairs.

"Almost!" I yelled back down at her.

"Well hurry up! We don't have all day! We need to get on the road."

It was spring break now, only a week after the concert and my parents just informed me we were going on vacation. We never did this. But it was nice for a change and because of their last minute decision on telling me, I was scrambling around trying to hurry up and pack. Thing was though, I couldn't find some of the items I wanted to bring with me. It was like they disappeared and I have no idea where they went.

It was also a great time to be getting away because the prick had been at the school for three weeks now and he had just been getting more annoying with each passing day. Why doesn't he still seem to get I don't want him around? I can tell he's been going out of his way to be by me almost every second of the day. Also people keep glaring at me and I'm getting way to much attention from others. Way more than I want. I hate being the focus of attention by to many people. My hands start sweating if I can tell to many people are focusing on me and my heart rate increases greatly. It's horrible. But that just may be the problem. The more I don't want him around, the more he tries to be around me. Maybe if I act less like that, maybe he won't bother me so much, but then again, it may only encourage him more and I don't want that either. So never mind.

Coco decided to jump right into my suitcase at this time and I laughed. "Coco, you can't come with us. Sorry." I picked her up out of the suitcase and kissed her head. I then set her down and yelled down the stairs, "I'm done!"

I threw a couple more items in the bag, deciding on just giving up looking for what I wanted to bring with me, and zipped my suitcase up. I then dragged everything out of my room and down the stairs to the car.

"It's about time," my mother stated, "we need to get going."

"Relax, besides, if you would have told me about it sooner, we wouldn't have this problem," I reminded her, but to be honest this still may have happened, there just may have been a start to the packing.

"It was a surprise. Now get in the car," she commanded.

"Okay, just a sec, I'm going to go grab something real quick and I'll be right back."

My mom sighed, "fine. Hurry up. I need to grab my jacket anyways."

We both went back inside but I ran up the stairs on light feet skipping a couple at a time. As soon as I flew in my room, faster than I ever had before, I grabbed my book lying on the bed. I need some entertainment for the ride. I also grabbed my kindle and portable charger. They were great things to have. I then left my room to go back downstairs but paused in the doorway remembering something like a memory.

I saw my dress, the one Bailey bought me, out of the corner of my eye as the memory flashed across my eyes. Did that happen or was it actually a dream? Green eyes were so vivid and the rip of cloth I had to make sure it wasn't real. I slowly creeped to my dress, hoping it wasn't true and sighed in relief at the sight. The dress wasn't ruined. There was no rips, tears, or dirt on it like I thought there was. My memory was only a dream.

Reassured, I ran through the house again and to the car with my things in hand. This was most definitely going to be a fantastic trip, something I really need. We then hit the road with my dad at the wheel.

For the first time we were going to Disney World and I was ecstatic. I wanted to see everything because I was obsessed with Disney and Pixar. I was also over the moon about seeing Harry Potter. I was also excited to see the world of Avatar. I wanted to see these the most. After these though I wanted to see all the Disney princesses and honestly everything in the park. What could I say? I was a kid at heart.

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